BONUS: The Puppy

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A/N: I was originally going to add this in the story when I first thought about it, but I wrote past the point, and had nowhere to put it. So, here yah go!

(Jessie's P.O.V.)

                 I just stepped out of the shower, a towel wrapped around my wet body. Ariana was supposed to come over today with a surprise. I wonder what it was. We were into a week of our relationship so far, and everything's going great. Nicki doesn't suspect a thing, luckily for Ariana's innocence and ability to act. Without those, it would be a dead give-a-way. And I'd be a dead man.

Since it was one in the afternoon, and as I had nowhere specific to go, I threw on a simple dress. I wanted to look good for Ari. Then I went to make sandwiches. Because I had nothing to do, and I was hoping she would be hungry.

A knock on the door made me hurry to answer it. In the peephole, I saw Ariana turned around. I opened the door, biting my bottom lip. Ariana turned around for quite a surprise indeed.

"Jess, look! I found a puppy!" Ariana said, making a little noise before coming inside.

The puppy was actually cute. It had dark and light brown fur, and was super tiny, and it's eyes were big and black. I smiled as I petted him.

"Aww, he's cute," I said. "Where dis he come from?"

"On the side of the road. I had to stop for him! And I'm sure it's a he, Jess."

I made a face at her. "What are you going to do with him?"

Ari's cheeks went bright red. "Well...I-I thought we could, you know, raise him. Together?"

"Baby, we're very busy people. Where can we fit a puppy into the equation?"

"My mom! I can get my mom to take care of him!"

"Babe, we can't just dump him on your mom! That's rude."

Ariana pouted, then sat down with the puppy. She sat her purse on the floor, then examined the poor thing.

"So, my surprise is another responsibility?" I asked, frowning.

Ariana screwed her eyebrows up before laughing. "No, Jess! I, literally, just found him! Here's your present!"

She went in her bag and pulled out a jewelry box. It wasn't a ring, trust me. Way too long. She handed it to me, and I opened it to reveal a beautiful necklace. I gasped as I examined it. It was a silver chain with a diamond pendant. I was sure it was a diamond one, I never seen a fake one sparkle so much before.

"Ari, no! You spent way too much on me!" I tried giving it back, but she took the necklace and put it on me.

"Baby, you'll be spoiling me I'm sure of it. You already cook amazing meals just for me," she mumbled, kissing on my neck. "And it's my way of paying back for you. Just being able to have you is a lot."

"But, I didn't get you anything!"

"Say yes about the pooch, and I'll accept."

I turned to look her in the eye. She was just too cute. I kissed her lips softly. "Yes."

"Thank you, Jess! I'm so happy!"

"I made sandwiches in the kitchen."

"What kind?"

"Ham and cheese."

"Perfect for the pup! Be right back!"

And then I was left alone with him. He yipped, then ran and scratched on my legs. He was just so cute! He reminded me of the dog that's actually mine back in England, with his hyperness.

Ariana came back and dropped to the ground, pulling her jacket over her shoulders, half a sandwich in hand. The puppy snifffed it before cautiously biting into it.

"What's his name?" I asked, watching with keen interest.

"I don't know. You name him." Ariana smirked up at me.

"Okay...How about...Fluffy?"

"Too common. And it's a cat name."


"Too common."

"Um, Spike?"

She gave me a look. "Really, Jess? Really?"

"Fine! Dexter!"

"...Dexter's a good name. I like it."


"Really really," she said, obviously quoting Shrek.

I shook my head. "Dexter it is! I love him already."

"Good. He's staying here for the whole weekend! With the two of us!"

Ah, geez.

A/N: There are actually a "British version" of some words in here, and Jessie would most likely call them that. Like "mom". But, I'm too lazy, and you'd be confused. Like I am while reading Jessie fanfics. :S X)

Now, for tthe ultimate question I've asked before! You may have changed your minds, I don't know, but we'll see!

Nessie or Jessiana?

And I'll see you in the sequel! If there will be one! Because, if you don't know what I'm talking about, look in the A/N in the chapter before! Okay, byes!

Two Shades of Jess [Jessie J, Ariana G., Nicki M.] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now