Eight - I Like You Too

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(Jessie's P.O.V.)

                           The next morning I woke up to Nicki getting dressed. She had borrowed a nightdress from me last night, and she was putting on clothes over it. I stretched, then sat up to watch her. Her hair was messy, but it weirdly made her look hotter.

"Good morning," I said, smiling at her.

She whipped her head around to look at me. "Oh. Good morning, baby."

She pecked my lips, and I smiled at that. Even with my foggy brain early in the morning, the sparks showed still.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"You just did, baby. But, shoot."

My cheeks burned at the thought of my question, and I made random figures in the blanket with my finger. "Um...what are we?"

Nicki froze in putting her shirt on. Then resumed after a moment. "We're together, baby."

"I know, but we haven't been on any dates."

Nicki turned to give me a cheesy grin. "Remember them times I came over here? Yeah, they were dates, baby."

"Oh! So that means...?"

She giggled, and it was just so cute. Everything about her was cute. Except the way she sauntered to me. That was just straight up hot. She grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes.

"Jessica J, will you be my girlfriend?" She asked.

I grinned like an idiot. "Nicksi, I would love to be your girlfriend."

We kissed passionately, me smiling happily. I was Nicki's girlfriend now. That made me happy.

"Nicksi?" Nicki questioned.

"Yeah. You called me 'Jessica J', so you should be 'Nicksi'. Cute, right?"

"You're cute. But, you need a tic tac baby. Morning breath is no joke!"

I playfully slapped her, settling back into bed. "Oh, and by the way," Nicki said, leaning to my ear, "your moaning is hot."

That left me blushing for sure. The events of last night rushed to me, leaving me blushing wildly. I still can't believe what happened. How good she made me feel. How experienced she was. Wait...

"Nicki? I thought I was your first girl?" I asked, propping my head with my arm.

Nicki, who was finger-combing her hair, looked at me. "Yeah, you are."

"But...you were so experienced. Like you knew what to do."

"Jess, it's not that complicated. If you have common sense, then you'd know the basics. I don't know why these other girls stress 'I've never done it with a girl' if they done it with a guy. I mean, come on!"

She had a point. I slumped back into my blanket, ready to fall asleep again. "Are you coming over today?"

"Sorry, baby. I can't. I have this concert, then a Meet and Greet afterwards. I'll be too tired to drive. I'm sorry."

I shrugged. I knew she couldn't stay with me every night, 'cause she's a very busy woman. But, I couldn't help feeling the sadness when she said that. I want my girlfriend beside me every night.

"Don't be sad, Jessie. It'll just be for tonight. And good luck on your concert tonight, baby." She gave me another kiss, as she was leaving.

"But seriously. Brush your teeth when you wake up again," Nicki said, sliding her shades on.

Two Shades of Jess [Jessie J, Ariana G., Nicki M.] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now