Twelve - The Doctor's News

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(Jessie's P.O.V.)

                       A few days have past since Ariana has first stayed here. She hasn't stopped throwing up in the morning, but she feels fine the rest of the day. Weird.

She's been performing, and hanging out with Big Sean. I remember working with him a year ago. The three of us would spend time together whenever I'm not with Nicki. He would go to my house to check on her while I'm at Nicki's. No, we haven't went "all the way" yet. I've explained to Nicki that we should wait until the time is right, so our relationship doesn't fall apart. She understands and respects that, but it hasn't stopped her from teasing me. And at times I wished I would have shut my big mouth before I said that.

When I go home, Ariana would jump on me, as if we haven't seen each other for months. It's nice, but unusual. And there would be a lingering scent of Big Sean, but I don't pay attention to it too much, as I know he was here.

"I was only gone for two hours!" I laughed, hoisting her up. Automatically, her legs went around my waist.

"Actually, it was five, baby," Ariana pointed out. " You left at nine. Now it's two-something."

I never realized how long I've actually been with Nicki. Time really does fly by. "Sorry, babe."

"Where were you?"

"Uh...the studio."

It wasn't a lie. I was at the studio. But not my own. Nicki's.

"Ooh! Any more songs I can hear?" Ari's eyes lit up.

"No, I'm wrapping it up," I laughed as I started carrying her to the kitchen. I was thirsty, and my mouth was dry. Totally not the result of kissing Nicki and her neck a billion times at the studio.

Her manager didn't like us, not even the idea of us. She made that clear by not talking to me, and glaring at us. And Nicki shot more powerful glares back. She even told me that she threatened to sign to another label if her manager does try to split us up.

I got me a water and downed half the bottle, Ari playing with my hair. "So, what have you and Sean done?" I asked.

"Nothing!" Ariana said, a little too quickly. "I mean, nothing really. We...talked. And stuff."

"O...kay." I carried her back to the room, and sat her on the bed.

She leaned in and kissed me softly. "You smell good...Fan of Nicki's perfume?"

"Uh, yeah. I was deciding if I should buy it. Guys at the studio sprayed it on me, and thought it suited me."

Ariana nodded. "It does. Everything does."

I hated lying, period. It wasn't right, and lies backfire on you. But, it was the only way I can keep everything between the three of us and the world calm. Well, except in my head, where it's chaotic.

"So, when do you want to go to the doctor?" I asked.

"I scheduled an appointment for tomorrow. Can you make it?"

"Babe...I have a performance tomorrow." I pouted, and so did she. I actually did have a performance.

"Awe. Well, I can ask Sean to take me. And I promise to tell you what's wrong with me. Okay?"

"Okay. I hope you're okay." I kissed her forehead.

"Yeah." She excused herself to go take a shower.

I really did hope she was okay.


I fixed my earpiece as I heard the crowd chant my name. A huge smile appeared on my face. Going out, the crowd when wild, and I started belting out the first notes. As I sung, I saw Nicki in the crowd, in an oversized hoodie. She smiled and waved at me, and I winked at her.

After the performance, I got off stage to meet Nicki. I hugged and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You were beautiful out there," she complimented as we made our way back to my dressing room.

"Aww, thank you. How did you--"

"Baby, I can do whatever I want. My manager can't stop me from seeing you. You're my baby. Mine, not hers."

We reached my room, and went inside. Before I could properly thank her for coming, my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

Ariana's crying filled my ear. She sounded heartbroken.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

She sniffed, collecting herself. Hearing her cry made me want to cry. Nicki held my hand and squeezed it reasuringly.

"Oh, I'm fine," her voice shook. "But..."

"But what?"

"Jess...I'm pregnant."

A/N: DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! You're probably freaking out right now. Perfectly what I wanted!

Sorry for all the dialogue. :S

Two Shades of Jess [Jessie J, Ariana G., Nicki M.] *COMPLETED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora