Fifteen - Cheater

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(Ariana's P.O.V.)

"Are you cheating on me?" Was the first thing that came out of Jessie's mouth when she came in my house. I was getting ready to cook dinner for us as a little surprise for her.

She found out. How did she find out? I spun around to face her hurt expression. "Jessie, I can explain--"

"Yes, I want you to explain. Explain how you're mysteriously pregnant before we got together. And you said you were single!"

"Can we do this over dinner?"

"No. Now." Jess had her arms crossed, irritated. Even like this she was still beautiful.

I sighed. I honestly didn't want to do this to her. She was the perfect woman for me in all the right ways. She didn't deserve this.

"Jessie...when Sean was over...well, we used to date. But broke up because we couldn't spend any time together. We still stayed friends, though. And...I still had feelings for him, Jess. I'm so sorry! I was seeing him while I was with you. When I was first throwing up, it actually was food poisoning. I thought it was something else, like I was sick. And when Sean came over, we kissed and..."

The tears made an appearance from me, and I was quick to wipe them away. Jessie had her jaw clenched as she listened. She hates me. She's given me all her love, and I do such a thing to her.

"Jessie, please..." I grabbed her hand, but she snatched it away.

I should have expected this. Who would want a cheater? And a liar? I know Jess wouldn't.

"I have to go," was all she said, before turning to walk out.


Jessie turned so she could look at me.

"Does that mean we're through?"

"...I don't know."

And Jessie walked out of my house, leaving me clueless. Did she want a break-up? Or did she want a break? This wasn't supposed to happen, even though it did.

I left the kitchen, then we

nt to my room and crawled in my bed. And that's where the tears made their way down my face. I screwed up everything with Jess. And she did nothing to me.


Jessie hasn't spoken to me for three days, but that hadn't stop me from seeing her. She was touring in America, then she had to tour everywhere else. I stood backstage and watched her shows. How beautiful she looked, and how amazing she sounded. I was actually supposed to tour with her, with my album finished, and I pre-recorded my singles' videos already. But then there's this thing called life inside of me. And I don't want anything to affect him or her.

What happened made me write "One Last Time". Literally, I wrote it the day I told Jessie the truth about my pregnancy, and my manager squeezed it onto the album last minute. And I did the video two days later. It wasn't going to be released until February. It all applied to me and my stupidness. Jessie was the victim of my games and my stupid feelings. Sean was on tour, too. Good.

Today was the seventh day not hearing from Jess. I was going in for an ultrasound, and I really wanted Jessie to come with me. But, she won't even answer my calls, so I had to go by myself.

"Hmm, can you lay down, Miss Grande?" The doctor, Dr. Scott, asked.

I got on the table and laid down. He pulled my shirt up halfway, then put this really cold gel on my stomach. It made me jump and almost fall off the table.

When Dr. Scott saw the baby on the screen, he screwed his face up and tsked. "I am so sorry, Miss Grande."

A/N: ...I HAVE NO WORDS! Nessie in the next chapter. :3

Two Shades of Jess [Jessie J, Ariana G., Nicki M.] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now