Nineteen - What Are We?

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(Jessie's P.O.V.)

Am I horrible person? For loving two people at the same time? Was it wrong for me to feel the way I feel towards these two women? The strong, passionate love for both of these beautiful women? And that I lied to each other to see the other?

The day Ariana left, the half of my heart for her broke. What were we? Did she want a break? Or a break-up? We both cheated, so what were we?

I told Nicki after we announced our relationship, in tears, and begged for her forgiveness. She forgave me, but then said she needed space. I let her go without hesitation, because I needed my own space. I phoned one of my sisters for help, and just blurted out everything to her, still crying like a baby. She listened and understood everything, and she told me to apologize to them and work it out somehow.

After a week of not seeing neither of them, Nicki came back and wanted to keep our relationship afloat. Still nothing from Ariana. I still had the necklace she dropped the last time I saw her, and I kept it in its box and sat it on my dresser. I've made up my mind that I want to be with Nicki. Everybody knows about us, anyways. So it would be confusing if Nicki and I abruptly ended, and Ariana and I just started dating.


Nicki and I have been dating for a whole year now, and lots of people support us. I've seen Ariana around, but we haven't really talked. On interviews, they would ask questions about what's going on with her, and if we were friends. I gave them bland answers, unfulfilling ones. Rumors were made that we were in a fight and that we hated each other, and we both said we didn't hate each other. And somehow, we both managed to say it was personal issues.

At a party, I sat on Nicki's lap, the strobe lights dancing in the dark. I had a couple of drinks, feeling a little tipsy, and Nicki was on her way there. She tapped my shoulder and told me to go get a drink for her. Luckily, my heels weren't that tall, so I didn't trip or anything going to the bar.

I ordered Nicki's drink and waited. A brunette, who was beside me, had multiple shot glasses in front of her. In her slurred speech, she ordered another one, and downed it. She looked familiar, but I didn't say anything, and waited for the bartender to make Nicki's drink.

All of a sudden, I felt somebody's body weight on me, and I looked to see the brunette. She had a drunk look on her face, and I immediately set her up.

It was Ariana.

"Ariana! What are you doing?" I asked after thanking the man for the drink.

The smaller woman giggled. "Having fun, Jess! Come dance with me!"

"No, you need to be home."

"No! I'm old enough to drink! I wanna party! Come on!"

She attempted to pull me, but fell, and I caught her. I straightened her back up, and she grabbed Nicki's drink. "W-we need to celebrate. To celebrate drinking! I-I wanna give a alcohol!" She took a sip of the drink and coughed violently.

Shaking my head, I picked her up. She didn't put up a fight, sipping Nicki's drink on the way and laughing maniacally. Nicki scowled when she saw Ariana.

"Why?!" Nicki asked.

"I need to take her home. Please."

"No! I'm not sleeping in the same house as that drunk!" Nicki spat, and it annoyed me. I may not really be with Ariana right now, but I still care for her.

"Can we just take her home? Not yours, baby."

Nicki sighed and got up, storming away. The way home, Ariana was singing 'Bang Bang' to the top of her lungs, and I cringed and stared out the window at the lights. When she got to Nicki's part she started it, then said, "Oh forget it. Fûck Nicki!"

I laid a hand on Nicki's thigh as Ariana repeated the song again. I saw a vein on Nicki's temple. I almost regretted taking her home, but I wasn't a bad person.

Following my directions, Nicki arrived to Joan's house. She barked for me to hurry up, and I carefully got Ariana out the car.

"Jessie, you're HOT!" She said, swinging her legs a little. A heel flung off her foot and landed in a bush. "Whoopsies! Hey, Jess?"

"Yes?" I knocked on the door.

Ariana held my face with both of her hands. "I'm in love with you."

Right at that moment, the door opened to reveal Joan and--I'm assuming--her stepfather. I even saw her brother in the back. I explained what happened, trying so hard not to cry. Ariana finally stayed quiet as I talked, and her stepdad got her from me and carried her away. Leaving her mom and I.

"She really loved you, Jessie. Really does."

And then came the waterworks. I spun around and hurried back into the car, repeating for Nicki to drive and drive fast. My eyes couldn't stop the mini waterfalls going down my face as Nicki told me reassuring words.

When we were in her house, Nicki grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a loving kiss. I kissed back, trying to hold my tears back.

"I love you, baby. I truly do, Jess. And seeing you upset upsets me. Please smile. Whatever they said, ignore it. They're not worth your time."

I smiled a little, which made Nicki smile and lead me to our bedroom.

A/N: Okay, next chapter is our last. Sorry, peeps. I didn't want it to be too long and me get bored of it. I really like this story, so, yeah. I'm pleased with over 400 reads and over 50 votes. It made me smile, really. And your comments, too! ^_^

And then there's another cover. I know, I said the current one wouldn't be permanent, but I dunno. I really like this one. Do y'all?

Okay, I'm gonna go now.

Two Shades of Jess [Jessie J, Ariana G., Nicki M.] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now