Eighteen - No More 'Us'

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(Ariana's P.O.V.)

                 I was going to tell Jessie about the baby, and I was going to give her an 'I'm-sorry-I-cheated' present. A 24-carat diamond necklace. It looks like too much, but that's exactly what I wanted for her. I want to treat her like the queen she is. She's my world, and I can't live without her. I'll do anything to get her back.

Once I got to Jessie's house, I knocked on the door. No answer. I twisted the knob, and found out that the door was unlocked. She was probably too tired to lock the door. Poor thing. Wanting to surprise her, I snuck into the kitchen to see if she was getting a quick drink or something. Nobody was there. My next guess was the bedroom, and I smiled to myself as I tiptoed upstairs.

Her room door was opened wide enough to poke my head through. And the sight rested on my eyes shocked me. Nicki-fûcking-Minaj was under Jessie, kissing her. MY Jessie! I gasped and made a littke noise before dropping the necklace box and running away.

"Shît! Ariana!" Jessie called, but I didn't stop. Jessie cheated on me. Unless she thought we were over.

"Ari! Please!"

My arm was yanked back, and I turned to face a topless Jessie. If it weren't for these conditions, I would enjoy this. But, I was deeply hurt.

"I'm sorry," she apologized instantly. "I-I totally lost track of time, and--"

"Jessie...are we over?"

Jessie fixated her eyes on me, not saying anything for a few moments. "You never called me. What did you expect me to believe? You haven't called me the whole time I was on tour!"

"Because I was upset, Jessie! I couldn't really do anything!"

"And why are you upset?" Jessie asked, concerned with a hint of anger.

It took me a few tries to say it, but I finally gathered the guts to. "I had a miscarriage!"

It was silent, tears streaming down my face. Jessie shook her head. "Oh, Ari. I am so sorry."

"Are you sleeping with her?"

It just came out of my mouth. No mind thought at all. I regret it, but not enough to take it back. Jessie tooked hurt and taken back at tge question.

"Don't lie," I added.

Jessie took a deep breath. "Yes."

"I can't believe you," I said, disgusted.

"Look! You cheated, too! And you slept with him!"

"So, you couldn't wait? You started freaking out from the lack of calls from me, and jumped into bed with Nicki. Well, you know what? Take her. Have her. I'm not enough."

Jessie's jaw clenched as she went back upstairs, not saying another word, her ponytail swinging furiously. I left her house, locking the door even though I'm mad. If I'm the cause of her and Nicki being murdered because the door was unlocked, I know I wouldn't live with myself. Especially since I still love her.

Driving home was awful. I had to keep pulling over to stop crying and wipe my eyes. I hate how much Jessie has effected me. She made me feel loved, she made me feel wanted, she made me feel worthy. But, I guess I didn't love her hard enough. It's funny because I've been cheated on so many times, yet this has been the worst one, and I strangely want her back. I'm not sure if it's because I cheated on her also, or it's because she's so...addicting. Once you have her, you know there's nobody else better. She's the best as they can get.

Finally getting home, I called my mom. She answered after two rings.


"Mom, I need to talk," I said, crying quietly. "It's about Jessie."

"Ariana, if she broke up with you, I won't be surprised. You cheated on her, and that was very dumb of you."

"Mom, she's sleeping with Nicki."

There was silence for a few moments. "As in 'Minaj'? I wonder why. Seeing as you haven't called her while you were on tour, she might've thought you two were broken up."


"I like Jessie, Ariana. She's the only one who hasn't used you for anything. She's sweet, polite, and caring, even if she's a girl! Do you still love her?"

"Yes." It came out so strong, so clear it surprised me. But Mom kept going.

"There's still a chance you can get her back. But, it's only if you want to. I'll speak with you later, Ari. Love you."

"Love you, too."

She hung up, and I tossed the phone on my couch. My dogs greeted me again, but I just went up to my room and lied on the bed.

I was in a terrible position. I had a miscarriage, Sean won't answer my calls so I can tell him, and then Jessie probably hates me. I'm not even sure if we've broken up. She hasn't said so, but she looked pretty heated.

Wanting my mind off of things, I went on my social media. On Instagram, I scrolled through a bunch of pictures, until I had a new notification. From Jessie. And I couldn't believe what I saw.

A selfie. Of her and Nicki. And the caption? Jessie wrote: "I love this girl from the bottom of my heart".

So, that was it. No more us. Just forget about Ariana. No, she's not important at all.

In my frustration, I threw my phone against the wall. I knew the screen cracked. Then I hid under the covers, crying my eyes out.

A/N: Awww, poor Ari. There's going to be about one or two actual chapters left, and then this ends. So, yah! I thank all the support I've had. Honestly, I thought nobody was going to like this at all. So, thanks for showing me yah care. :3

Two Shades of Jess [Jessie J, Ariana G., Nicki M.] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now