This could be the start of something new

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They stay like for a little bit with Jimin kissing Yoongi's chest more and more and Yoongi's heart speeding up wa little bit with each kiss

Jimin notices the inconsistency and tests it. He breaks his kisses up and waits longer after each kiss still noticing that after every kiss Yoongi's heart picks up a little

"Min, what are you doing??" Yoongi asks with a smile still hugging him softly

Jimin giggles and pulls away from his chest and meets his eyes with a smirk "Hyungie likes Minnie. More than friends"

"And, you say this why??"

Jimin smiles widely and softly places his hand over Yoongi's heart making Yoongi sigh "You weren't supposed to figure that out, Min"

Jimin giggles and kisses his cheek again "But, I did and I'm not mad. I just need time to heal and get over everything she's ever done to me over the several years we where dating" Jimin whispers in his ear

Yoongi nods "I know. I understand. That's why you weren't supposed to know yet. I know you're not ready. But, I really do still want to help you in everyway I can. C-- can I??"

"Of course, Hyungie!! But, on one condition!!" Jimin cheers brightly and giggles when he quickly sees Yoongi nod without a doubt "Anything"

Jimin kisses his cheek again "Be my pretend boyfriend for two days starting today. If it all goes well, hopefully it won't end and it will just last with little to no switch between us or in general. I'm already going to steal your clothes because your scent is very nice. Plus, this way, I won't have to leave you and can really hold your hand whenever I want to. You already agreed to allow me to do anything I want to and with you but, I'm not going to do anything that you don't like. I won't kiss your lips or touch your dick or anything else you don't like or feel uncomfortable doing. Also...... hopefully, this will make me get over her sooner. You have already torn down several walls I bulit up high because of her. You make me feel so safe and protected. You helped me open up in ways I never knew was possible. You helped me truly be happy in literally my darkest time. I want you and need you to be in my life at all times. I'm not sure what real love is. Yet. Hopefully, you know and can help me learn"

Yoongi is taken aback by everything Jimin just whispered in his ear and nods the entire time

"I will not hurt you in way, shape, or form aside from the aforementioned way with the medicine. I promise, Minnie. I'll help you learn whatever you want to know" Yoongi whispers into Jimin's ear and Jimin smiles and starts kissing his cheek then stops and meets his eyed thinking of something

"W-- what a-- are y-- you??"

"My sexual orientation??" Yoongi asks confused and Jimin nods

"Ah. I'm gay. What are you??"

Jimin hums

"T-- the reason why we where together in frist place is because I didn't want to get bullied at school for mine. But...... it went downhill fast. About the second day of us being together. I tried to get help but it never worked. No one believed me. And without any family and only two friends; I couldn't really do anything. My school sucked and the staff never did their jobs. So, I couldn't get help. She used that and my orientation agaist me for so long that I never really thought it was okay. Well, until today. I was with her for about four years but in that time we never kissed or had sex or anything. We never saw each other naked, either. She didn't care for me and I hated her. She knew it, too. She would spend all day and night partying or fucking others. I never cared because if she was gone; I didn't have to deal with her. However, when I came back literally 30 seconds late; she smashed my phone and locked me inside my room. Yeah. We didn't share a room, either. We literally did nothing normal couples did or do. Anyways, back to what I saying before. I came back 30 seconds too late and she smashed my phone and locked inside my room. Restricted my food and water. Didn't care when I passed out several times or almost died because from lack of food and water. I wasn't allowed in the bathroom for more than five mintues total. So, I had to stop actually using the bathroom or showering because she counted each toliet flush in my room. If I exceded the set number that changed several times a day every single day; I would get beaten up because of that. When she came back drunk; I would beaten up. Everything got me into trouble and beaten up. Hell, even breathing got me beaten up. I learned to not talk and to just keep everything clean. So, something tells me that she broke everything there and is probably waiting for me to get back. I wouldn't go back. But, I really do need my wallet because it has my friend's numbers in it. Their names aren't written next to their numbers but I know them by looking at them. I would memorize them but I have a problem with numbers and can't memorize them. She used that and more of my disiablities agaist me and I would get slammed into walls then. That's probably why spine is bruised and your tight hugs hurt me. If I knew their numbers; I wouldn't need my wallet but, I don't so I have to go back. I apologize for making you come with me but I need it. I really need it. I hid it. Hopefully she didn't find it. I had to hide it to keep it safe amd make sure I kept their numbers. We have been friends forever. So, I need to get ahold of them. They probably think I abanded them when I didn't. Sorry, I'm talking too much. I'll shut up now, Hyung"

Pretend BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now