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Yoongi wakes up and sees everyone looking at the glass sections and softly taps Jin's thigh 'When did they get here' 

Jin smiles at him as he sits up and taps his head softly 'Five mintues ago' 

Yoongi nods and jumps down then walks to Jimin who's looking at rings and mumbling to himself 

Yoongi wraps his arms around Jimin's waist and buries his face deep into his neck 

Jimin smiles widely and turns around hugging him back 

"I missed you so much, Min" Yoongi mutters

"I missed you so much, too" Jimin says while smiling

They hug for a few more minutes before Yoongi pulls away and spins Jimin around 

"What are you looking at, My Love??" 

"The prices. It's all really expensive" 

Yoongi pulls out his black card from Jimin's left back pocket and puts it in Jimin's face 

"Stop feeling my ass just to get to your card" Jimin hisses 

"Baby, it's your card" 

"But, it has your name on it" 

"Then, it's our card" 


Yoongi nods "What do you want, baby??" 

"To be able to afford these things" 

"You can" 

"No, YOU can" 

"And, I want to spoil you" 


"Hey, guys!!" Tae says happily walking towards them but runs over when Jimin glares at him

"What's wrong, Chim??" 

"Everything in here is so expensive. I can't afford shit" 

"Well, we can get whatever you want" 


"Get-- get what??" 

"Y'all can afford this. I can not. I'm getting looked at like I'm some kind of pity party"

"Y'all make money soon, baby" Yoongi says

"But, I don't even have a fucking dollar now" 

"We don't mind--" "Yoongles!!" Jimin whines


"Why are y'all doing this??" 

"Because we love you" Tae says 

"And you're our boyfriends" Yoongi says

Jimin stomps on Yoongi's foot roughly expecting to hear something but doesn't and sighs "I'm sorry" 

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