I don't feel like myself at this moment

10 2 0

The Makanes walk towards them with their arms full of clothing

"Babe, I need your wallet!!"

Yoongi holds up his wallet


Yoongi nods

"Why do you need his wallet??" Tae asks

"Yeah. Don't you have his cards??" Kook asks

"I have OUR cards but I want his wallet" Jimin sasses

"Okay" TaeKook say suspiciously

Jimin smiles at them and sets his clothes on the counter

Joon smiles at him "Which color tote bag do you want??"

"Which colors do you have??"

"All of them"

Jimin hums "Do you yellow??"


"I'll take yellow!!"


Yoongi taps Jimin's shoulder, once Jimin looks at him, Yoongi mouths «The bags are free. Don't worry»

Jimin smiles widely and turns back to Joon who's ringing the prices and taking the tags off

"Okay, baby. That'll be 20"

"T-- twenty w-- what??"

"Oh. Sorry. It'll be 20 thousand"

Jimin's face drops and Yoongi quickly goes to him, soothing him by rubbing his back and whispering "Minnie Min, it is okay. It is okay, Minnie Min. Look in the wallet. There's money in there. Remember, it is MY wallet. Not yours. She can not get to you. She is dead. I killed her. You are okay. Hyung is here. Hyung will protect you. You are okay. It is okay. Just look in the wallet"

Jimin nods slowly and looks in the wallet

Yoongi stands back and lets him go

Jimin nods to himself and pulls out a single million dollar bill

Joon smiles at him and waits for Jimin to hand it to him

Jimin slowly hands it to him trembling a little

Joon softly takes it from him and quickly trades him

Jimin looks at him then Yoongi scared

Yoongi quickly steps back to Jimin and whispers in his ear "Keep it. It is yours. It belongs to you. No one will take it from it you unless you give it to them. Not even me. I will personally fight any and everyone who takes your money, promise"

Jimin hugs Yoongi tightly, burying his face deep into Yoongi's chest, tapping the wallet into his back in no certain pattern

Yoongi whispers soothing things in his ear softly until the young, fraile boy fully calms down and mouth against his chest «Tell me why you're so good at calming me down later. In the car»

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