Yeah yeah yeah burn it

20 2 0

The Makneas walk out the sheet shop and go two stores down

Kook opens the door and the oldest two walk through

Once the door closes; Kook talks "Talk. Now"

Jimin sighs "I don't really know what happened with us feeling each other's emotions. It just happened and got worse over those four years. I guess it's because we're soulmates"

Tae nods "Yeah. I guess it's because we where apart for so long that it just...... took over"

Kook sighs "Okay. I guess. I know both of y'all would tell me if it was something else"

"Yeah!!" Both beam and Kook just nods "Okay. Anything else I should know??"

Jimin hums "Other than the fact that you are super hot when you command us?? Nope. Not that I can think of"

"Oh. Thanks, Jiminnie" Kook says shocked

Jimin smiles at him "Of course, Bunny!!"

"Why are you calling me that?? It's been awhile"

"Because I miss calling you Bunny and Tae Tiger"

"Oh. Okay" Kook says with a smile

"Mochi" Tae says putting his hands around Jimin's hips

Jimin hums "Yeah??"

Tae slides his hands Jimin's shirt

"What are you doing, Tiger??"

Kook smirks and pulls at Jimin's waistband

"What are you doing, Bunny??"

Tae connects his mouth to Jimin's left tendon on his neck while Kook softly pulls down Jimin's black jeans

"W-- why tease me??" Jimin asks as Tae's hands find their way to his nipples

"Who said anything about teasing you, baby??" Kook says in a deep voice

Jimin moans softly "S-- stop with that voice"

"Nope" Kook says in the same voice softly kneads Jimin's dick

Jimin moans again "K-- Kook. S-- stop"

Kook hums and looks up while dropping to his knees "Do I have consent??"

"A-- always" Jimin moans again as Tae bites his tendon "T-- Tae!! W-- why??"

'Because I can' Tae taps roughly on Jimin's nipples

Jimin moans again and Kook lowers Jimin's black boxers, stroking Jimin's dick slowly

Jimin moans more and grips Kook's hair tightly

Kook's voice drops more "Good boy"

Both Tae and Jimin and Kook smirks, stroking more

Jimin moans more "S-- suck"

"There you go" Kook says dropping his hand

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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