Our senator!! Burr??

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Kook puts them down and preys Tae away from Jimin

"Babe!!" Tae whines

"No. Chimmy Hyungie needs to breathe"

Tae pouts and Kook wraps his arms around his shoulders and pulls him close resting his chin on Tae's head

"Thanks, Bunny!!" Jimin beams

Kook smiles at him "You're welcome, Chim"

"Taetae, are you okay??"

Tae smiles a wide boxy smile "Yeah!!"


Jimin walks to the Hyungs and smiles at them "What are we doing today?? Isn't it too late to do anything??"

"No!! We booked everywhere we normally go and have the keys!! So we can leave anytime!! There's even a mall!! Everywhere is booked for the rest of the day and tonight and ALL of tomorrow and tomorrow night!! Plus, we can book it anytime wr want!! For as long as we want!! That way we won't have to deal people or anything!!" Hobi says more happy than he should be

Jimin looks at Yoongi «For your protection??»

Yoongi nods and Jimin smiles widely while the three people behind him look at Jimin confused

"What??" Jin asks confused

Jimin giggles "I asked if it was his protection"

"Oh. Then, yeah. We actually own everywhere we booked" Jin says

Jimin's eyes sparkle and he claps his hands together tightly "Can we go?!?! I wanna see what y'all do!! Are y'all's shoe stores there?? Can I see them?!?!"

Jin smiles widely "Sure, Mimi. That makes us very happy. That you're actually willing to and happy to see our store"


Jin smiles at him

Jimin spins around looking at Tae and Kook "Do y'all anything?!?!"

Kook shakes his head "Nah. We're too lazy for that"

"Plus, why would we?? They give us whatever we want. Well, expect Suga"

"That's because with these three idiots; y'all two are spoiled enough. Y'all don't need me"

"I do!!" Jimin whines spinning around to him

Yoongi smiles at him "Baby, you're mine. You where mine frist. Of course, I'm going to spoil the fuck out of you. However, the three fuckers behind me will, too and I already know the two idiots behind you will spoil you a lot, too"

"So...... I'm going to be the most spoiled??"

Yoongi nods "Seems like it. You made us, us and actually happy. Plus, everything else Jin told you in the room. He's been waiting to spoil you since you frist got my phone. Same NamSeok. Whereas, Tae and Kook have waiting to spoil for four years. I'm sure they already have things for you"

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