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Jimin runs back in with two cold bottles of water and shoves them in Yoongi's face repeating "Drink. Drink" over and over

Yoongi chuckles and takes the bottles "I'm fine, Min"

Jimin shakes his head "No!! Drink!!"

Yoongi sighs and hands a bottle back to Jimin while he opens the first bottle and downs it in two gulps "I'm fine, Min"

"Nope!! Drink!!"

Yoongi sighs and trades him bottles, opens the second bottle and downs it in four gulps and puts the lid back on "Now can I be fine??"

"Go get examined"

Yoongi sighs "Why won't you let me be fine??"

"You have three doctors they are not only your best friends but as your childhood friends and boyfriends. You will NEVER be fine until one or more of them checks you out. As for everyone here. You're just being hard headed and stubborn right now and I'm not going to fall for it. Especially after everything I did to you. So, Min Yoonie, go get examined in the back room and then get the panels"

Yoongi sighs again "Fine" he walks away and Jimin throws both bottles away at the trash can by the walk in

Joon chuckles while jumping down "Wow, Mimi. You really have a way with him"

"What do you mean??"

"Usually he won't let anyone scold him, call him hard headed and stubborn, or you know, do everything you did prior to the conversation" Joon says

"Yeah. That and you know slamming him into glass several times" Jin says

"He was actually a lot nicer to you with the punishment than he has ever been" Hobi says jumping down "On top of that, only called you by your full name twice. He would have never have done that before. Usually, he would call everyone by their names because he was mad"

Joon stands Jin up and rests his arm on Jin's shoulder

"And he would have DEFINALLY fought back" Jin says

"You changed him for the absoulte better. Thank you so much, Jiminnie" Joon says

"Oh. I d-- didn't know I changed him that much. Are you-- are you sure it's good??"

All three nod quickly

"Definally, Mimi" Jin says with a smile

"You did very well" Hobi says with a smile

"So, thank you very much, Mimi" Joon says exposing his dimples

Jimin nods "I didn't really do anything but...... you're welcome"

Jin chuckles "You melted his cold, non existent heart"

"Babe" Joon says quickly

"What?? It's true!!"

"Doesn't mean you say it out loud"

"Like he can hear"

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