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"Here, Hyungie!!" Jimin beams handing Yoongi his phone back then doing something on his phone

Yoongi reads his message then lifts Jimin's head softly and scoots up then lays Jimin's head on his dick making Jimin giggle and still focus on his phone

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Yoongi reads his message then lifts Jimin's head softly and scoots up then lays Jimin's head on his dick making Jimin giggle and still focus on his phone

Tae lays down and above the table at Joon

"Why don't any of y'all sit under the tables?? All four of y'all either sit on the table or in front of it but literally never under it"

Kook lays on Tae's heart looking at Hobi

"And by that logic, why do y'all never through the hidden door?? It was made for y'all, right??"

Both hum and Jin softly drums their butts

"BABE!!" Both shout and Jin laughs and slides his hands under both their shirts softly scratching their backs

Joon rolls his eyes while Hobi sighs softly

"We always had to hide under our beds and under tables when we where little" Joon explains

"So, now we just aviod anything that's under anything. Too many flashbacks" Hobi explains

"Same with the doors" Jin says

"We installed them and designed them" Yoongi says "So, we can use them sometimes but not all the time"

"Wow" Kook says

"Y'all are really fucked up" Tae says

Hobi chuckles "Thanks, Tae. We know that, though"

"That's why we have to take so many anti depressants" Joon says

"And why I had to switch meds" Yoongi says

"And why we became doctors" Jin says "All the based are covered"

Jimin looks at them "Y'all trust each other the absoulte most. It's not suprizing that y'all are doctors and Yoonie is so many things he can't even list them. I'm sure the only y'all where missing was a cop because apperently Yoonie is a fight fighter, too"

Everyone looks at him

"You weren't even paying attention" Kook says

"Not true. I was. I just didn't say anything because it was unnecessary" Jimin sasses

Jin sighs and glares at Yoongi "Stop teaching him things"

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