Knights fall, pitch black

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They walk out and see everyone messing with the coffee bar with food on the table. They get closer and see everyone surrounding Jimin holding their colored cups in his face while he laughs loudly

"Try mine!!" Hobi says with a smile

"No!! Try mine frist!!" Joon beams

"No!! I'm frist!! Chimmy!! Try this!!" Tae yells

"No, you aren't!! He raised me longer!! He's trying mine frist!!" Kook yells

"I'm his soulmate!! He should try mine frist!!" Tae yells

"No!! He should try ours frist!!" Joon yells

"Yeah!! We met him!!" Hobi yells

Jin looks at Yoongi who nods

"If he tries anyone's frist; it's going to be mine" Yoongi sasses making everyone shut up and look at the oldest two

"YOONIE!!" Jimin beams amd runs the few steps to him and hugs him tightly burying his face in Yoongi's chest

Yoongi smiles softly down at him and plays with Jimin's hair while looking at everyone but Jin

"What did we just walk into??" He asks

"Oh!! We're trying to figure out which one of our coffees Jiminnie should try frist!!" Joon beams

"Uh huh. By all four of y'all shoving y'all's cups in his face and overwhelming the poor boy??" Yoongi says trying to understand

"Oh, no!! We weren't trying to overwhelm you!!" Hobi yells

"Yeah!! Not at all!!" Joon yells

"Definally not!!" Tae yells

"Yeah!! Definally not!!" Kook yells

"We're so sorry!!" Everyone yells

Yoongi covers Jimin's ears tightly and hear him giggle agaist his chest

"It's okay!! No worries!!" Jimin beams still buried into Yoongi's pecks

"He said that it's okay and no worries" Yoongi translates

"Yay!!" Everyone cheers and Yoongi shakes his head then glares at Jin who's sending him a knowing look

"Babe!!" Joon and Hobi yell and Jin looks at them "Yeah??"

"You look nice in black!!" they both yell and Jin smiles widely "Thanks!!"

They both smile widely when Jin walks to them and takes their cups, pours half of each one in one  of his cup, grabs a stirrer, mixes them together, and downs it in two gulps

"Thanks, guys!!" Jin beams handing them the wrong cups on purpose making them both smile and drink each others

"Chimmy!!" Tae whines and Kook quickly covers Tae's mouth who sighs softly and waits for Jimin to let Yoongi go and turn around but barely moves away from Yoongi

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