A grey rhino approaches

7 2 0

Jin quickly stacks up all of the Large shirts while Yoongi stacks up the other sizes

"Here, Yoon" Jin says gesturing towards the Large shirts


"Of course"

Yoongi takes the Large shirts and stacks them up on the giant pile he already has

Jin walks behind the counter again and Yoongi hands him the card again

"You restocking your clothes??"

"Isn't that the only reason I come here??"


"Jin, I never come here when you aren't here"


Yoongi nods 

"Aww" Jin coos "That's so sweet"

"Drop it"

"Why do you have many clothes now?? It looks more than normal"

"Because it is"

"Okay. Why??"

"I sense that everyone will try and steal my clothes now"

"Now what??"

Yoongi looks at him "You're an idiot"

"I will jack up your price"

"Now that they can"

"Oh?? Why is that??

"Must I say it??"


"Or what??"

"Higher prices"

Yoongi groans and rubs his face roughly "Now that they can since we're all dating. Now, give me my fucking card back"

Jin chuckles "I know your code and number"

"Don't steal my fucking money"

"Never. I have my own"

"That's not paired to my account"


Yoongi holds out his hand and Jin sighs, putting the card in the owner's hand

"Thank you, asshole"

"Yeah. Yeah" Jin waves off putting the shirts in a pink tote bag

"Do I need to make more??"

"Only reason you get out colors"

"Why didn't you tell me??"


"You literally gave me the black tote bag before"

Pretend BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now