Cause I'm the new VP

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Yoongi softly shuts the door and allows Jimin to drag him to the bathroom and lock the door before letting him go

"Talk. Now"


"Why do you treat them like they don't matter??"


"Min Yoongi"

Yoongi sighs "They do matter to me. It's just how we where raised. But, we changed it. We tease each other and treat each other like that"

"But, why??"

Yoongi grips Jimin's hips softly, softly rubbing his pinkies agaist the soft flesh "Baby boy, we grew up being severally abused. Everything we where told were either criticisms, taunts, yelling, harsh words, body shamming, mirco manged and...... other things I'd rather not repeat. So, we changed it. Made it different. Tease each other. Make it seem like we hate each other and that we're annoyed"

"Baby" Jimin whispers

"It's okay, Cutie. I'm happy to explain everything for you. You're very interested in knowing about my life. So, I don't mind telling you"

"But, y'all's life is so sad"

"Before we moved into the masion"

"How did you build it??"

"I oversaw most of it. I only built most of the inside after the construction of everything was done"

"What did you do??"

"Where are you interested in what I made??"

"Because it's fun"

Yoongi stares at Jimin

Jimin sighs "Because you probably over worked yourself"

"I probably did"

"Okay. But, why is that hot??"

Yoongi's eye brows kint together "Why do you think it's hot??"

Jimin smirks "Because I'm picturing a heavily sweaty, out of breathe, toned, annoyed you"

"You and your muscle kink" Yoongi jokes

"Come on, babe!! You're hot and sexy!!"


Jimin lifts Yoongi's shirt revealing slight abs "When did you work out??"

"After I clean"

"How do I never see it??"

"I don't know. But, I wish you did"

Jimin meets his eyes "Why......??"

"Because I want you to see how I work out"

Jimin shakes his head "I can't watch you work out. You wouldn't work out"

"What would I do instead??" Yoongi teases while fully sliding his hands into Jimin's waistband

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