Chapter 3: The Baby Project

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I was still looking at the paper Miss Rogers had given us because I was still shocked at how we were going to be doing a baby project and how I am paired with Cason as if there weren't a thousand different boys in the class and so many other projects we could have done like why did we have to do this why just why. 

Just as I was about to get up and go downstairs I heard my phone ringing and I picked it up and answered as fast as I can knowing that it was Bella calling "Hello Bella I am so glad you called back you have no idea what I have to tell you" I said as soon as I answered "Hey Jenna sorry I didn't call back straight away I was at the shop with my mom what's up" She said " First of all Miss Rogers told us that it is project week and then she gave us a paper that told us what the project is and who we will be paired with" I said to Bella "Ok cool and what is the project" She asked "The project is called (The Baby Project) and you would not believe who I was paired with "Who" Bella asked " Cason your brother Cason" I said " OMG haha your joking really well I feel sorry for you" She said well laughing "It's not funny I hate this" I said in a annoyed voice "Relax you'll be fine but I have to go now mom is calling me to go eat we can talk about this tomorrow at school ok bye" She said "Bye" I said in a soft voice.

After I showered and got ready for bed my mom came in looking sad " What's wrong mom is everything ok" I asked "Yes yes everything is fine its just that you father called and said he won't be able to make it this weekend sorry love" She said " Its ok I know he is always busy with work tell him I say hi" I said in a sad voice "Will do love you good night" she said as she got up to leave.

We had English first thing in the morning and I was not happy as today Miss Rogers would be giving us our fake baby's and we would have to start our two week project, "Hello everyone today you will starting The Baby Project pls come and get your baby's and then you will have a list that you will need to follow and by the end of the two weeks you will be marked on how well you looked after your child.

"Hey Jenna get a girl baby pls" Cason asked to me "Why" I asked "Because  I want a girl" He said as I saw a grin grow on his face "Fine I will get a girl" I said and got up to go fetch our now baby girl. "What are we going to name her" Cason said "Its a doll we don't need to name it" I said "Yes we do its the first thing on the list name the baby "Fine how about Mia" I said "Mia I like it" He said "Good now I have a few of rules of my own that you have to follow 1. Don't annoy me 2. We have to take turns with Mia as in one night you get her one night I get her and 3. Don't annoy me ok" I said so that Cason and I don't end up killing each other "OK" He said and just like that The Baby Project begins.

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