Chapter 19: Coming home

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I woke up so happy this morning because we were finally going home, I've missed my mom and dad so much since we came to college and I can't wait for them to meet Blake they are gonna love him but not as much as I love him that is.

"Are you ready to go home" Bella asked "Yup I can't wait" I say "I bet you can't you because you will be seeing Cason again" She said "Yes but that's not why I'm happy to go home and besides I have Blake and he is all I ever need" I say "Right Blake the guy you have been dating for a 3 weeks and haven't told anyone about him" She said "Ok what's your problem why are you saying it like that" I said "I'm not saying it anyway it's just that I don't think Blake is right for you I mean he's a great guy but he's not worth it Jen" She said.

"So you want me to be lonely and have no one well you go off and live happily ever after with Lucas" I snapped "No that's not it I just feel like you would be better with someone else" She said "Well I don't and if that someone happens to be Cason I'm not interested" I say back and walk out the room to the car.

Blake drove Bella and I down and we were gonna meet the boys half way but then the plans changed so we decided to just drive straight home. Bella and I hadn't spoken to each other the whole ride as were fighting and I can't believe what she was saying and it just made me really angry but I'm sure we will work it out just not right now.

"So what are your parents like babe" Blake asked "They're great and they will love you so you have nothing to worry about" I said and I could see Bella rolling her eyes "Is there something wrong Bella" I say "Nope nothings wrong" She said but I could tell she had a problem with all of this.  After at least a 4 hour drive we finally made it home Bella and Cason mom had left them when Cason was 6 and Bella was 5 and she never called them once so they are now staying with us.

As we walked in mom and dad were sitting on the couch and Cason and Lucas somehow were also there eating a pizza that looked like it was stale"Hey you guys made it" Lucas said jumping up to give Bella a big I've missed you kiss and Cason was just sitting there on his phone not looking up at us once "Hey bro" Bella said "Oh hey there my sister" Cason said looking up from his phone and walking to give Bella a hug "Hey Jen who's this" He said when he looked at me but before I could answer Blake did "Hi I'm Blake Jenna's boyfriend" He said and Cason's eyes looked like they were about to fall out he didn't say anything he just turned to leave.

After we were all settled down and my mom and dad met Blake we were all getting ready for dinner and Cason was no where to be found so I went to look for him and when I went upstairs into my room Cason was sitting on it and looking at some of the pictures that I had on my table "What are doing" I said "Nothing just thinking about how the girl I loved and the girl I thought loved me is now dating some random guy named Blake" He said "What do you mean the girl that you love" I asked "Don't play dumb you know what I mean" He said "Fine you're right I do know what you mean but it's to late Cason" I said "No it's not look you love me and I love you and come on what have you been dating this guy for 2 days" He said "3 weeks but go on" I say "3 weeks whatever I know you don't like him Jenna I missed you like crazy and I wanted to run and lift you up and kiss you like no one has ever done before and tell you that I love you but then you walked in here with that Blake dude and it just ruined everything" He said and I didn't know what to say so I ran up to him locked my arms around his neck and gave him the biggest kiss I could ever give and it was amazing no one made me feel like this when I kissed them not even Blake.

"What the hell is going on here" Blake said when the door flew wide open "Blake it's not what it looks like" I said "No Blake it is what it looks like Jenna and I love each other so you might as well just leave because she doesn't want you here" Cason said "Is that true" Blake asked "Yes and no mostly yes Blake I really do like you but I love Cason I'm sorry" I said "Its ok I'm just gonna go" He said and left. "Are you ok" Cason asked "I've never been better" I say wrapping my arms around Cason and kissing him once more he really is the most amazing boy ever and now he is my boyfriend, today really made coming home even more amazing then it was originally.

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