Chapter 9: Cason's Little Adventure

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When I got to school on Monday Cason came up to me when I was getting my English books from my locker "Ahh really Cason you scared me to death" I say after I closed my locker "Good because that's what I am planning to do, you took it to far with the toilet paper you know how long it was on me for, I got so many wired stares from people, Lucas left me after you and Bella left and I don't think that he saw it, and do you wanna know what the worst part is?",  "What" I say trying not t laugh "A really really cute girl came up to me and she told me I had a piece of toilet paper hanging out of my back pocket" He said and I couldn't hold it in any longer I bursted out laughing tears were falling down my face "I'm sorry but you're the one that wanted to start a war so not my fault" I say "Whatever see you in English" Cason said and left.

The next two weeks Cason and I have been pulling a lot of pranks on each other some were good and some were just stupid but it was actually kind of fun in a way I had fun whenever I was around Cason and whenever Cason talked to me I some how always found myself blushing.

It was the end of the day and I was heading out of the school when someone grabbed me from behind "Hey Jen" Cason said when our faces met "Hey" I said back wondering what he was doing "So I was thinking we have been at this war for a while now and I was thinking maybe we can take a break from the war and just hangout" He said "What do you mean hangout" I said in a  confused voice  "Hangout, there is this really nice place out of town I want to take you" He said hoping I would say yes "Cason as much as I would I can't I made plans with Bella to do some homework and study for our bio exam" I said "Just tell her you can't make and that you guys can do it another time pls" Cason said "Fine but only because you said pls" I say " Thank you" He said as we walked out of the school.

When I got into the car I sent Bella a small message letting her know that I wouldn't make it and that we can do it tomorrow. As we were driving I couldn't help but wonder where we were going so I decided to ask Cason "Hey so where exactly are we going" I asked "You'll see" He said and I didn't have the energy to ask for hints or clues so I just left it and waited until we were there.

A few minutes later Cason pulled the car into a parking lot and we both hoped out and since I didn't know where we were I just followed Cason into a small diner "So you bought me out all this way just to get food" I say "Ya I did" Cason said after getting a table and ordering  some food Cason and I just talked like two normal people I guess you could say we were becoming friends.

"So how do you like the food" Cason said breaking the silence "Good it's really nice thank you for bringing me here" I say "Your welcome" He said, after a few minutes of talking I felt like Cason and I were getting along well and I liked this feeling and every time Cason spoke all I wanted to do was kiss his prefect lips what was going on why am I feeling like this I can't like Cason he's Bella's brother, but why does it feel like we were mean't to be.

"Ready to leave" Cason said "Yes" I said as we both stood up to leave. Was Cason always this nice I wondered maybe it was because of Cason's little adventure or maybe it was because the war that I am now falling for him and seeing he is actually a really wonderful person the only this I have to ask my self is why.

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