Chapter 4: Day 1, 2, & 3

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I wake up in the morning to the sound of Mia crying and I was so shocked to hear that she cry's like a real baby so it looks like I will have to start getting used to that sound and this is only day 1 and I already give up.

Cason's POV:

I wake up bright and early because I know that today is the first day of the baby project and Jenna will probably call me in a few minutes to talk about our schedule and how we will get through this project and I know that it is going to be a long one but before any of that I go over to my best friends house Lucas and tell him all about the baby project and how I have to spend a whole two weeks with Bella's best friend Jenna Wood.

Back to Jenna:

"Hey mom" I say when I walked downstairs "Hey how's it like being a newborn mom" She said "Ugh pls don't start with me I am not in the mood", "Well now you know how it feels when you were born" She said with a grin on her face "Hahahah very funny i'm going over to Bella's because I need to talk with Cason and plan how we are going to get through the 2 weeks love you bye" I said and left out the door.

As I got to Bella's house I went straight to her to ask where Cason is, as I  walked in I saw her on her bed and she was shocked to see me as I may or may not have forgotten to tell her I was coming over, "Hey what's up" She said as she walked over to me, "Oh nothing just wanted to know where Cason is because we have to plan our schedule on how we are going to do the project" I say "Oh well he is at his friend Lucas right now but he will be back in just a few minuets" She said "Ok cool" I say and now we wait.

After Cason got back like an hour later we spend the rest of the day going over our schedule and looking after Mia together for the first day, we also went over the list of what we have to do and how the project is going to work. "Well I should get going now I had Mia last night so you have her tonight" I said "Sounds good see you tomorrow" Cason said "Ya see you bye" I said and left.

The next two days went well and I was glad because I only had 4 more days to go and since it was going so good I am hoping it would stay like this, but on the list that Miss Rogers gave us it tells us that after the first 3 days we will be moving on to diaper changing and looks like Cason will be in charge for poop duty but it also says that it will only get harder because after the first week the baby will be moving on to teething and with what I have heard so far that is the worst part about having a baby or so what my mom has told me but anyway I was not looking forward to dealing with that but for now all I can do is hope for the best and get this first week over and done with. 

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