Chapter 6: This is only the beginning

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It has already been a week since The Baby Project and since Cason said that it means war witch I still don't understand what he mean't by that because he hasn't done anything to me yet and we haven't spoken to each other not even in english class witch is making me wonder if he is really mad at me or if he is just planning something bad and I am hoping that is is the first option.

As I was walking to my next class I saw Bella by her locker so I decided to stop for a sec and go say hi, and maybe ask if she knows where Cason is or if he planning something who knows maybe she will tell me he got hit by a car and although that sounds nice because he is one of the most annoying people Iv'e met he still doesn't deserve to die.

"Hey Bella I was wondering if you happen to know where Cason is" I said when I walked up to her "Hey um no I don't know where he is why do you want to know" She asked "Oh nothing just wondering because he was not in english today and Miss Rogers just wanted me to find out" I said hoping she wouldn't think that I was looking for him because I liked him or anything like that.

After my other two classes I was on my way to lunch and I was going to be alone because Bella had to do some test that she missed so ya, but anyway on my way to lunch I saw Cason in the corner of the cafeteria and he was just grinning at me and that made me scared but I just ignored him and went to find a table to sit down at and eat my food.

"Hey is this seat taken or do you mind if I sit here with you" A voice asked and as I looked up I saw a cute boy that I had never seen before "No pls yes you may sit here" I said very shyly "Thank you" He said and took a seat down next to me "So are you new here" I asked "Ya I am" He said "You", "Oh no Iv'e actually been here for two years already" I say "Wow cool" He said and I gave him a small smile.

"Hey do you want a smoothie" He asked "Sure" I said "Ok wait here I will get one" He said and got up and left, after a few minutes he came back and as I was reaching out my hand to take the smoothie from him he dunked it all over me "What the hell dude" I said in a angry tone "Oops sorry" He said and just started to laugh his butt off and who came up to me laughing like a wild monkey non other than Cason Anderson "Hey you do know you are supposed to drink the smoothie not wear it" He said and gave a me a grin "This was you wasn't it" I sad as I was wiping the smoothie bits out my eyes "Of course it was me sweetheart well it was actually Lucas but it was my idea" He said " Lucas your best friend and what is he doing here" I asked and looked a Lucas who had stoped laughing as soon as Cason said his name.

"Hey don't be mad at me this was all Cason's idea I just helped a friend out and besides I don't even go here" Lucas said and then turned to look at Cason "I told you this would happen remember this is war and this is only the beginning" Cason said a left along with Lucas, remember when I said Cason doesn't deserve to die ya I changed my mind because i'm going to kill him "You wanna play Cason let's play" I said and immediately went to home to change and clean myself up as the last two lessons of the day weren't important.

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