Chapter 17: College/New Years

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After Christmas Bella and I were now on our way to college and I couldn't wait.

Bella and I are both going to the same college and Cason and Lucas are going to a different college not far from ours but still far enough that if we wanted to see each other we would have to drive 3 hours.

"So ready for college" Bella says "Yes, no, maybe, I don't know" I said "Ok what's wrong" Bella said "What do you mean what's wrong. Nothings wrong. Why would something be wrong" I say "Well for starters you are rambling and second you have been acting weird since Christmas what happened" She asked ".

"Fine but promise me you won't get mad" I say "Promise" She said "Ok well after we all opened our gifts Cason and I went for a walk so that I could give him his gift and number one he told me that I'm amazing and number two he well we might of maybe definitely kissed" I said "WHAT! that's not what I was expecting but ok what happened after" She said.

"Well after we kissed or well we were kissing I pulled back and told him we can't because of you and I mean he didn't want me when I wanted him so I'm not just gonna be with him now because he wants me" I say "Ok well just know that I am sorry and if you want to be with him you can" She said "Thanks but I'm good" I say.

When we got to college everything was going great and in just a few days it was new years eve and I was happy to be starting the new year it was going to be great and I was not going to be having any drama in this year because this year is all about having fun and getting good grades and maybe sneaking out to parties once in a while but don't let my mom or dad find out.

Bella and I got ready at about 8:00 and we headed up to the roof we have bought a few drinks and food because well it's new years eve and we wanted to celebrate.

For the rest of the night we just talked and at 11:45 we called the boys so that we can all be together when 12:00 came and just like that we were counting down from 10 "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR" We all said at the same time and just like that we were in the new year.

                                                                       Continue in next chapter.

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