Chapter 20: Road Trip

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Today I woke up next to Cason who was currently still asleep and I couldn't wait to start this morning with the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. When I was about to get out of bed I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me back down "You're not going anywhere sweetheart" Cason said opening his eyes to look at me "I don't want to go anywhere unless it's with you" I say leaning in and giving Cason a good morning kiss.

"Wake up sleepy heads time to get ready" Bella said walking into my room fully dressed with Lucas attached to her arm "Huh where are we going" I say confused "We are going on a road trip you have 30 minutes to get ready or else we are leaving you" She said "Ok fine" I say getting out of bed and heading into the bathroom to have a nice warm shower.

After about 30 minutes for both Cason and I to get ready we left the house and had jumped into the car and we were now on our way to who knows where. "Where exactly are we going" Cason asked "Somewhere you'll find out sooner or later" Bella said "Ya just relax because I to don't know where we are going" Lucas said putting his hands behind his head "Can we at least put some music on" I asked and Bella turned the radio up and we sat back and waited for our road trip to come to an end.

After driving for about an hour or so we finally came to a stop "Ok we're here" Bella said as we all got out of the car "Where exactly is here" Cason said "What does it look like" Bella said "Like we are stranded in a place and about to get killed" I said "Just wait till we are inside" Bella said and we all grabbed out stuff and went inside the building.

When we all walked in Cason and I had our mouths wide open the place looked like a castle it was amazing "What is this place" I say "I don't know I just found it and booked it for us" Bella said " Well it looks really nice" I say and look around " Good now Lucas and I are gonna go find our room and you and Cason need to go find yours" She said and then they left and Cason and I were now walking to find our room.

"So girlfriend how does it feel to be sharing a room" Cason said "Fine we slept together last night remember" I say "Oh ya I forgot" He said smiling at me "Well I'm tired so I'm just gonna have a little nap because we had a long road trip and I need a power nap before we do anything" I say and Cason nods his head and wraps his arms around me puts me down on the bed and we both fall asleep in each other's arms "I love you Jen" Cason says "I love you to" I say and give Cason a kiss on the forehead.

After we woke up Bella, Lucas, Cason and I went to explore we went to swim, went to play games at the arcade, we went to the little petting zoo, and did so much more before we went to have dinner at the small little restaurant downstairs "Hey guys over here" Lucas called us when we came down after taking about 20 minutes to get ready "So did you guys have fun today" Bella asked "Yes we did thank you so much Bella" I said "Well I'm glad I just wanted to do something fun since you two are now together and because we have to go back to college the day after tomorrow"Bella said "Yes but we have only like 3 years left it sound like a lot but it's not and then we will be able to spend everyday together just like this" I say and we all clink our glasses together and head back upstairs because we have a long drive tomorrow and I can't wait for the next 3 years to be over so I can spend the rest of my life with the guy I love.

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