Chapter 11: Blinded By Love

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The next few weeks my thoughts were all over the place because I am falling in love with Cason and I don't know why because he is a total donkey but that not the only thing I am thinking about I mean what would happen if Bella found out that I am in love with her older brother, the one she can't stand, the one that she feels like has everything in the world and she just has to watch it all fall into place while she is left alone in the dark how on earth will I tell her.

All afternoon when I got home from school I couldn't stop thinking about Cason and how I will tell Bella that I'm in love with her brother and it's eating me up inside because Bella and I don't keep secrets from each other we made that rule when we became best friends in grade 2 and that rule has stayed with us ever since and I don't want to be the one to break it.

After thinking about it for a while I went over to Bella's house to tell how I feel about Cason and hope she doesn't get mad or anything like that but when I go there she is nowhere to be found so I went to ask the one person who might know where she is "Hey have you seen Bella by any chance" I asked when I walked into his room this time knocking first "Hey no she is out at the moment and won't be back for a while" He said "Ok well then i'm just gonna go" I say but as I turn to leave I hear Cason say something "Hey wait why don't you just hang with me while you wait for her and don't worry I don't bite" He said with a grin "Sure why not" I say and I sit down on his bed and wait for Bella to get back.

After a while Bella is still not back and Cason and I are now snuggled up together watching a movie and in this moment for some reason it just feels right we finish watching and Cason and I get up to stretch out legs at this point there is no reason for me to stay and wait because Bella is probably not gonna be home for a while or so I thought I told Cason that I was gonna go and he told me to stay because he doesn't want to be alone so I agreed and stayed after talking for a while something bursted inside of me and I got caught up in the moment letting my heart speak and not my brain and I wrapped my arms around Cason and pulled him in a for big kiss and it felt amazing but he pulled aways as soon as we heard a familiar voice.

"Bella OMG this is not what it looks like I swear" I say walking slowly towards Bella "No your lying I knew you liked him and I told you not to but you didn't care and after you told me you would never in your life like him" She said with a crack in her voice she ran out crying and I ran after her "Bella wait pls just let me explain" I said "Ok fine explain how you lied to me, explain why you kissed my brother, and pls explain to me what happened to us because ever since that stupid war you and Cason have been together and we haven't spent any time at all for the last few weeks the month is almost over and we haven't had one day to our selfs without having Cason in it or without saying his name so I am all ears" She says to me in a angry voice.

"Ok for starters I didn't lie I didn't mean to fall for Cason it just kind of happened and I wanted to tell you that's why I came here, second of all I did kiss your brother but I just got caught up in the moment and didn't know why I did it and I am so sorry and third of all nothing happened to us we are still friends yes I have been with Cason because of the war but that was it I am so so sorry Bella" I say hoping she would forgive me "I'm sorry to I'm sorry for you because Jenna you are so blinded by love that you can't even see that Cason is not the girlfriend type he is a player I have seen girls in and out of his room this whole week so when he breaks your heart don't come crying to me I'm sorry but we can't be friends anymore I need time alone" She said as she walked into her room and closed the door.

"Hey I'm sorry for that I don't know what got over me" I say when I walk back to Cason "It's ok" He said "No it's not but I kinda liked it and lately I have been falling for you and that's why I have been ignoring you at school and I was wondering because Bella said your a player and that you would break my heart but I know you won't so I was thinking if you would you can maybe give us a chance" I say "Jenna I am so sorry but I don't like you like that the kiss was nice but your my little sister best friend and that's all you will ever be" He said "Ok bye" I say and I run out of there and as soon as I get home I cried on my bed for hours wondering what went wrong, everything I had just flew away in a blink of an eye and it's all my fault.

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