Chapter 14: Prom/Graduation

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A few weeks later as we were at school the principal announced on the intercom that prom was coming in less than a week and that our theme is 'Ocean Paradise' and that we had to wear colors that go with that them and ever since that announcement everyone had prom fever boys asking out girls, girls asking out boys, people being rejected and much more crazy stuff.

"OMG Jenna Lucas asked me out to prom we have to go dress shopping like now" Bella said running towards me "of course he did he's your boyfriend and we still have lessons so we can go dress shopping for you tomorrow" I say.

"First of all we will be going dress shopping for both of us because you are coming with whether you like it or not and two we are going dress shopping after school because prom is this Friday and I need to find the perfect dress" She said fine but only because we have two days left to find yo.. I mean find us a good prom dress" I say.

After school Bella and I went dress shopping and after what felt like days we were finally done Bella chose this really nice dark blue dress and I chose this really nice light blue dress.

When Friday came around we were getting ready when the doorbell rang and when Bella and I went to answer it Lucas was standing there in a matching dark blue suit and let me just say that Bella and Lucas looks adorable.

"Are you guys ready to go" I ask "Yup ready, oh wait where's Cason" Bella asked "He's already there" Lucas said and we left the house and now we were on our way to prom.

When we got there the place was so big and had a really good set up Bella, Lucas and I just danced for a while then I went and sat done while Bella and Lucas were having there own dance, I looked around to see if I could find Cason and as soon as I did my heart just dropped out of my body, when I saw Cason he was in a corner Kissing some girl and at that point I knew that Bella was right he is just a player I ran out of there as fast as I could and never looked back.

After prom things were still going fine but whenever Cason was around I just left and I had asked Miss Rogers to change my seat in English so that I didn't have to sit next to you know who.


After the next few weeks it was graduation and I was so ready to get high school over and done with Bella, Lucas , Cason ugh and I all sat there waiting for our names to be called as we watched everyone go up and collect there graduation slip or what ever you call it and as soon as we all got our everyone threw there hat's in the air and just like that high school was over.

We went home and celebrated for the rest of the day, we all had a BBQ and Bella, Lucas and I swam in the pool while Cason was no where to be found but I didn't care anymore I was happy and I didn't need him I just wish he cared for me a little and not have kissed that girl.

"We did it Jenna we finally graduated we are going to college soon can you believe it" Bella said "No I can't but we did we are finally free" I said and with that we partied the rest of the day and had fun I mean heck we just graduated.

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