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The next day Niko found herself standing on the doorstep of Harry's sprawling New Jersey home — the home he once shared with his wife. The home that Niko interviewed in for the au pair position two years ago.

She was incredibly nervous. Her mouth was dry, her knees were weak. She could feel the sweat forming on her brow, feeling like she might pass out. Her heart was heavy because of the situation that she and Harry were in. She was so in love with him, but now he wanted nothing to do with her.

She took a deep breath and blew it out hard before plunging her finger into the doorbell. Her heart pounded profusely in her chest as a woman, who looked to be forty-something, answered the door. Who the...? Was she at the right house?

"Can I help you?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrow.

"Who are you?" Niko blurted out and the woman's expression changed from curious to offended in a matter of seconds.

"Who are you?" The lady asked, looking annoyed over the fact that Niko was asking who she was when she was standing at her door.

"I'm Niko," she said with a little bit of attitude.

"I'm Patty — the housekeeper and nanny," she said, turning her nose up at Niko.

"Oh," Niko said quietly as her shoulders dropped, feeling a bit relieved.

"Can I help you?" Patty asked again with her own attitude.

"I'm here to see the kids," Niko told her.

"The kids? And you are...?" She asked, being protective of the children — which kind of made Niko mad, but she completely understood why she was, and was also kind of glad Harry found someone who would keep the kids safe.

"I'm their old nanny," she explained.

"And is your visit expected?" She asked, pursing her lips tightly.

"Mr. Styles invited me," Niko snapped at her. She didn't know why she was being so bitchy. She was just on edge and seemed to be taking it out on the new nanny.

"Why don't I go get Mr. Styles? Wait here, please," Patty said. Niko nodded and she shut the door in her face, causing Niko to grumble to herself.

She stood there feeling like a complete idiot. This was ridiculous. She was annoyed. And she could only assume it was because that lady had her old job and she was jealous. She was feeling rather territorial, even though she had no right at all.

A few minutes later, Harry threw open the door with Patty, the nanny, behind him.

"Niko, I'm glad you could make it," he told her formally.

He wasn't smiling — he didn't look glad. But just having him in her presence made her heart swell in delight and melted all the annoyance she was feeling previously.

"Harry," Niko greeted, nodding at him, doing her best to keep the smile off of her face as well.

"I'll bring you to the kids," Harry said, moving aside to let her into the house.

Niko followed Harry into the living room where Jackson and Avery were watching cartoons on TV.

"Look who's here, kiddos," Harry said and both kids turned around to see.

"Niiiiikko!" Jackson screamed as he jumped up from the couch and ran to her. He plowed into her arms and Niko hugged him tightly against her, letting out an amused laugh.

"Hi, buddy! I missed you!" She told him excitedly.

"I missed you too! Are you here to play with us?" Jackson asked hopefully.

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