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On Wednesday night, Max was working late, which made it very easy for Niko to go see Harry. She felt like a giddy teenage girl going to lose her virginity with the boy she had a crush on forever. She was nervous - she and Harry were sneaking around again and it got her blood pumping like she was an adrenaline junkie or something.

When she made it to his house in New Jersey, Harry answered the door with a wide grin across his face and she couldn't keep the smile off her face even if she tried.

"Jesus, Neeks. You look incredible," Harry gasped at her and she immediately felt a blush creep up her cheeks.

His eyes took her in, seeing her in a black mini skirt and a white fitted blouse. And those legs- she wore black high heels that made her legs look a mile long. Goddamn. She was absolutely gorgeous. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Thank you, Harry," she said with a bashful smile as he leaned in to kiss her, "Not bad looking yourself."

Harry chuckled as she smirked at him. He knew he didn't look even half as good as her in his jeans and t-shirt. He had just managed to wrangle the kids out of the house into their mother's awaiting vehicle a half hour before Niko arrived, and spent the rest of the time tidying up the living room where the kids managed to take out just about every toy they owned.

The last thing he wanted was for Julia to come into the house, so he didn't waste the time making them clean up after themselves like he usually did.

"Come in," Harry offered, grabbing Niko's hand before guiding her into the house.

He led her into the living room and immediately spun her into his arms and began kissing her because he couldn't seem to stop himself from not kissing her, from not touching her. He needed her.

Niko giggled against his lips, but kissed him back lovingly. She could tell he missed her and she missed him just as much after nearly four days apart.

"I'm sorry. God. Niko, I'm sorry," he apologized as he pulled away, looking sheepish.

"Why are you apologizing?" She asked, furrowing her brows in confusion. He should never apologize for kissing her like that. It energized her. He breathed life into her.

"Because... I feel like all we have ever done with each other is have sex. I want to do other things. I want to hang out with you. We've never really had the chance," he explained with a shy smile.

"That's not entirely true. You used to take me places - Santa Monica, Hollywood, LAX..." she said, throwing the last one in there as a joke, but Harry only gave a strained laugh.

"Oh, Harry. Come on," Niko laughed as she nudged him. He rolled his eyes at her, but smiled anyway.

"What do you want to do then?" She asked, watching him for cues.

"I don't know," he said as he sat down on the couch, gripping onto her hand as he pulled her down next to him.

"Why don't we just talk?" She offered, smiling at him.

"Okay," he agreed happily.

The two of them spent the next two hours talking about everything and anything under the sun. About what they had done in the past two years, about what the kids were like now, about Niko's college graduation, about getting her Master's degree earlier than planned, about her current internship, about Harry's comeback in the music industry when he helped produce a few songs on Ariana Grande's latest album, along with co-writing and producing a few songs that Louis had been working on.

Niko found it so easy to talk to Harry. He was right in saying that they never got much of a chance to hang out. She was sure they talked more in those two hours than they did that entire summer.

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