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"Dad! We're home!" Jackson bellowed as he came in the front door.

The kids were just getting home with Patty after being picked up from school. Harry and Niko walked from the kitchen to the foyer to meet them, knowing they were about to have a huge conversation with both of them. All four of their lives were about to change so much.

"Uh-uh-uh... your backpacks do not sit in a heap by the front door," Harry said sternly after he greeted his children. Niko smiled, seriously loving the dad in him.

"Go bring your bags up to your rooms and then come back down here. Niko and I have something we want to talk to you about," Harry told his children.

"What is it? What is it?" Avery asked excitedly.

"Bring your stuff upstairs and we'll talk," Harry chuckled, affectionately pinching her chin.

"Okay!" Both of the kids said and ran up the staircase to deposit their backpacks in their rooms as requested.

Harry and Niko made their way into the living room to wait for them to come back. Niko was a bit nervous, even though she knew everything would be okay. But this was huge. They were getting married, bringing a new baby into the world, and Niko was moving in with them.

"I'm nervous," Niko told Harry honestly, letting a small smile turn up her lips.

"Don't be, love," Harry insisted, squeezing her knee before leaning over to kiss her on the lips.

"Dad?" Jackson called out.

"In here, mate!" Harry called back.

Little footsteps trudged along the marble floor, and soon Jackson and Avery were plopping down in front of their dad and Niko on the large ottoman in front of the sectional couch.

"Hello, loves," Harry said, smiling brightly at his kids.

"Hi, Daddy," Avery's tiny voice and big smile came through.

"What do you want to talk to us about?" Jackson asked curiously.

"Well, hmm... where do I start?" Harry asked rhetorically.

"How about at the beginning?" Jackson offered, looking at him questioningly, causing Harry and Niko to both laugh.

"The beginning sounds like a good spot to start. Huh, mate?" Harry asked, smiling at his eldest child.

"Sounds good to me," Jackson said, smiling at his dad.

"Okay, then. The beginning. Well, it starts with the vacation me and Niko took to California," Harry told his kids.

"I miss California," Jackson sighed with a frown, "And I miss Uncle Louis and Auntie Liz already."

"I promise the next time we go out there, you and Ave will be coming with," Harry told Jackson.

"I wanna go to Disney World," Avery said happily.

"Disney World is in Florida," Jackson said, rolling his eyes at his sister.

"I wanna see the princesses," Avery added.

"I promise we'll go," Harry chuckled. Niko couldn't help but smile at how off track their conversation already was.

"Well, okay. Back to what we were talking about," Harry insisted and both kids nodded and did their very best to pay attention.

"You know that Niko and I love each other very much," Harry told him.

"Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm," Avery hummed, bobbing her head as she listened to her father.

"Yeah, we know," Jackson confirmed.

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