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As Niko stood there next to Louis, doing her best to feign confidence, Harry had brought attention to her, causing her nerves to nearly eat her alive.

"Mum, Daniel... I would like you to meet Nikola. Niko, this is my mum, Anne, and her boyfriend, Daniel," Harry introduced them as he held his hand out for her. She placed hers in his and stepped forward.

"Well, hello, Nikola," Daniel said, firmly shaking her hand.

"You can call me Niko," she told them both with a pleasant smile.

"Is this thee Niko?" His mom asked with a playful smile on her lips.

Okay... what exactly did she know about her? Niko was almost freaking out thinking about it.

"Yes, of course. How many Niko's do you think I know?" Harry quipped, laughing out loud.

"Well, I don't know," Anne laughed, swatting at her son.

"Niko, we've heard so much about you. I'm glad you could start nannying for the kids again," Anne said, quickly hugging her, "They haven't stopped talking about you, I swear."

"Oh, uh..." Niko stammered, looking wide-eyed over at Harry.

"No, Mum. She's not their nanny anymore," Harry told her quickly.

"Oh. I thought... with the way Jackson and Avery talk about her," Anne said, looking confused.

"I do spend a lot of time with them still. It's been about two years, but they still remember me. I've missed them a lot," Niko explained.

"Oh, that's wonderful. The children are so fond of you. It's so good to see their smiling faces, especially after the divorce," she said, clapping her hands together.

Niko's heart was beating heavily in her chest as she stood there feeling so incredibly awkward. When Liz walked up to the group, she said a quick 'hello' to Harry and then wrapped Niko in a hug.

"Are you okay?" Liz asked Niko, quickly realizing the tension in her body.

Harry cleared his throat a moment later and suddenly everyone's attention was on him.

"Mum... I have something I want to tell you," Harry began, causing Niko's stomach to turn, knowing this was it. He was about to spill their secret.

"What is it, love?" She asked, looking at her only son.

"Niko and I... we've been seeing each other," Harry informed her, causing the smile on her face to even out almost immediately, displaying an apparent look of shock.

"Oh," she said quietly and the pause was noticeable.


"Oh? That's all you're going to say?" Harry asked in disbelief, letting out an uncomfortable chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just, I was taken by surprise. Niko, how wonderful! Welcome, welcome. Come sit. We'll talk," Anne said, coaxing her to move with her to sit at the patio table.

Liz grabbed Niko's hand for support as the two of them went to sit down next to each other. Harry took the chair on the other side of Niko, whereas Louis took the one open next to Liz.

"Oh, you two know each other?" Anne asked, pointing between Liz and Niko.

"Yeah. Louis and I have known Niko for about two years now," Liz explained to Anne before smiling at Niko.

"Wow. That's great," Anne replied, smiling from ear-to-ear.

"Can I get anyone anything to drink?" Anne asked them.

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