Chapter 5

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Ella's POV

The bell goes. I've avoided Luke since our kiss, well as well as I could since he's sat next to me. I still can't get over the fact that he kissed me. And I kissed him back. The way his lips brushed mine. Gently. Cautiously. The kiss, although it was only a slight brush, it seemed magical.

"You're dismissed." Mrs Grey announces, waving her hand. I leap up, slamming my knee against the desk.
"Ouch" I shout loudly, earning a few stares from a group of girls at the front of the class. My cheeks flood red. Embarrassed I pull my socks up higher.
I sling my back over my shoulder and take fast steps towards the door. Suddenly someone grabs my hand and waist and spins me round.

"Go on a date with me." he says. His piercing blue eyes boar into mine. He looks so gorgeous. I can see the outline of his stomach under his shirt. His tie is low and he has his top button undone. Did I mention how God like he looks? i blush. I don't know what's wrong with me, always blushing?

"What?" I ask, genuinely confused. Why is he asking me out? He must be joking.

"Go on a date with me." he repeats. His smirk almost turning into a smile.
"Are you joking?" I ask seriously. I don't want to agree unless I'm sure. Gabriella Matthews, he's a player, snap out of it.

"No. I will pick you up at 7." Before I can answer he kisses me on the cheek and walks out of the classroom. I'm going on a date with a bad boy. Internally I squeal.

Suddenly Charlotte comes up behind me. "Leah and I will walk home with you and help you get ready." I sigh.
"You're a life saver." I say, linking our arms and walking out of the classroom.


"Chica! Congrats!" Leah squeals loudly, we're walking towards our table in the canteen.

"I'm going on a date, not having a baby." I say, glaring at her. I notice a few people looking at us. No wonder Leah's practically shouting in excitement.

"Yet." She says shooting me a cheeky smile. I slap her arm, almost dropping my tray in the process. "What? You know about his reputation. He's a player. He's slept with girls in the year below and several in the year above. And almost every girl in our year."

"I'm not gonna sleep with him, Leah. And I'm sure those facts are an exaggeration." I sigh placing my tray on the table.

"What's an exaggeration?" Adam asks, putting down his tray, balanced on it is a plate of fries, a coke and a burger. Healthy much! I guess he burns it off though on the field.

"Nothing." Charlotte and I say quickly in union. Adam gives me a suspicious look.

"What's going on? Gabs?" He says staring at me. I shake my head and take a bite of my burger, Adam does the same.

"Ella has a date." Leah pipes up. Adam chokes on his burger. He begins to cough. I pat him on the back. Honestly, I'm a teenage girl, why is it such a surprise that I have a date? I'm not that repelling? Surely?

"Who with?" Adam chokes out, there's a hint of something else in his tone. Something new. I want to say jealousy, but surely that can't be right. Not Adam.

"Luke." Leah answers for me. Adam looks hurt, shocked. I shoot her a glare.

"Are you kidding? Moore!" Adam asks looking at me in the eye. I'm speechless I don't know what to say. "Luke Moore?" I nod slowly, pushing my tray away lightly. I'm no longer hungry. "Why?"

"He sat next to her in art. I understand that it was really romant-"

"Shut up, Leah!" I yell, interrupting her. I don't need her upsetting Adam anymore than she already has. I regret shouting at her as soon as I see her face, she's wearing an expression of hurt. I instantly feel bad. "I'm sorry Leah." She shakes her head and smiles slightly. I sigh. I really don't want to fight with Leah as well right now.

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