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"What the hell had happened..!!? doctor Yang, i thought you said Shen Wei will be fine and safe going back alone!! If i knew thing gonna happened like this in the end, i will never stayed here.. i should accompany him at least, even i got some punches on my face i deserved it.." said Zhao Yunlan worriedly.

Doctor Yang just stood there feeling guilty while looking down.

"It is my fault.., i shouldn't be overconfidence.." murmured doctor Yang.

"Don't stand still like that!! no use at all damn it!! although we regretted it, is not gonna help any, we got to do something Yang! Quick call doctor Liu!! he must be still at the hospital on this hour, asked him to use the satellite, at least we'll know where the guy heading taking Shen Wei, you guys still monitoring Shen Wei right?? it happened in front of his apartment door, so let's go back to the hidden room and find out, i can't track Shen Wei down because his cellphone was turned off damn it! now hurry!!" said Zhao Yunlan while pushing and dragging doctor Yang toward his motorcyle and ride away fast while doctor Yang making a call while sit on the back seat.

Nearly an hour later, both of them finally arrived at Liushen International Hospital and running fast heading to doctor Liu Hai Kuan practice room.

Both of them rushing toward the hidden room panting hardly while doctor Liu Hai Kuan looks so pissed off when looking at them.

"I entrusted you Yang!! but you had failed me miserably.." said doctor Liu Hai Kuan dissapointed.

"Can't believe it... two people from the law enforcement loosing a civilian just like that, even worse... being kidnapped!! " shouted doctor Liu in rage.

Sighing hard, doctor Liu took a step toward them

"I already tracked the guy down with the satellite, but he so damn smart by choosing the road that can't be covered by the satellite coveraged, now he out of radar and we need to move quickly to save xiao Wei, fortunately the satellite managed to captured his vehicle license plate, the vehicle that he use to kidnapped Shen Wei is a black SUV with plate number 发 A.51739 and you guys better pray that the plate number is not the forged one.." said doctor Liu Hai Kuan while glaring at them.

Gestured them to take a breather, which is he also needed it too, doctor Liu Hai Kuan turn around then walking toward the monitor while taking a laser pointer .

They need to calm down and think for a way no matter what, with Shen Wei condition recently, is hard to tell how long he is gonna stay collected.

Step aside to the right , he pointing the laser pointer to the monitor in front of them.

"Since the man covered his face with a mask, is gonna hard to find out who is he, even using facial recognition system. On this recorded video we can see his movement.. light and precise, this guy is a professional, every move that he made can be counted as an expert, as you see, he used the chloroform to make Shen Wei down and took him. This guy a well trained person, we have to separated the work from now on. Yang.., you stay here and keep in touch with us while try to find out who this guy is, start searching his identity with the plate number. Chief Zhao and i will search for Shen Wei from the last coordinate that had shown on the screen before the car out of radar," command doctor Liu Hai Kuan firmly.

Put down the laser pointer on top the table, doctor Liu Hai Kuan walk out from the hidden room and go straight to his working table, he bend down slightly while pressing on the button that hidden well right under his working table which it attached to a small iron box. Standing up, he wait until the box movement had stop moving forward then tap the security code to open the box. Taking out the Glock G19, he fill it with bullets.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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