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Getting his consciousness... his eyelids move, Shen Wei open his eyes slowly, he grimaces feel his whole body aching like had been beating up by a bunch of man, dizziness with light headache throbbing on his head over and over again in the same rhythm, the light that shine up from the ceiling make his eyes dazzles, he have to blinked his eyes couple times before get used to his surrounding.

Unaware with his condition and where he is, he trying to sit down but suddenly he feel the pain from his left ankle and his left hand.

"Ouch... that's hurt...." he whined and laying back on the bed.

Looking for the source from his pain, he glance at his left hand that attached to the IV drip and his left ankle that had been bandaged.

"Not again.... I hate hospital...., and all this things, who is that foolish stupid moron that brought me here..." he said while pouting.

Sulking.... Shen Wei looking from his left side to the right side just to spot a man that he hate.... no... not hate.... Shen Wei didn't that bad.... Let's corrected it, a man that Shen Wei just didn't like on the first place, laying down on the couch and sleeping beautifully like a prince.... let's corrected it again...., frog prince.... yeah.... that right..... suits him right.... Shen Wei nodded his head for his own approval.

Well.... don't blame Shen Wei....., as everybody who knew him he like reading story books specially the fantasy one, after admiring the sleeping frog prince for a while, he have such a genius and brilliant idea and attempted to try his idea right here.... and right know, no delay what so ever.

Then he grabbed one of the pillow on his bed with his free hand and throw it to Zhao Yunlan which is it landed successfully on Zhao Yunlan face, Shen Wei giggles when he see that Zhao Yunlan startled and get up abruptly from the couch in dazed.

That is a perfect give for taking me to the hospital your moron.... considered I am a good guy that didn't throw any dangerous things that can make you injured.

"What the hell was that!" shouted Zhao Yunlan to Shen Wei when finally he regained his brain cell that for 3 seconds before on hibernated mode.

"How dare you shouted at me you foolish stupid moronnnnn!!" shouted Shen Wei back to Zhao Yunlan.

Zhao Yunlan mouth agape, can believed what he just heard.

" What the fuck...! How dare you call me foolish stupid moron you little hedgehog! You are like a demon lord who is turning from a cute little bunny to a little hedgehog just in a second!!" Zhao Yunlan shouting back.

"You.... you.... how dare you call me like that....! don't you dare gave me a pet name....! said sorry or else I am gonna give you a lesson!" shouted Shen Wei while pointing at Zhao Yunlan with his right hand index finger.

"Why should I huh? Since you are the one who started this whole stupid damned name calling! and do you know that if a citizen insulted and threatening a police officer is not a wise thing to do? I will sued you then you will be rotted in jail!!" shouted Zhao Yunlan try to scare Shen Wei off while standing up put his arm across his chest looking straight to Shen Wei.

"That's all because your fault you stu.... your fault Chief Zhao" said Shen Wei glare at Zhao Yunlan, he changed how he call Zhao Yunlan now since he didn't wanted rotted in jail.

Zhao Yunlan smirked inwardly, well.... it work, this little hedgehog is a cute bunny after all, just a little scaring word and the little cute bunny went back to his little cute hole obediently.

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