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"Zhao Yunlan.., put the gun down! let's talk about this in civilized way okay.." said doctor Liu Hai Kuan while glance to the pointed gun.

Zhao Yunlan looked at doctor Liu Hai Kuan with indifferent face, still holding his Glock 22 pointed to the person head.

"Civilized? You had obtruded my private life already, and now you talking about civilized? that confidential file with my name over there.., you already stepped out from the boundaries doctor Liu, i can sue you for that.." said Zhao Yunlan displeased.

Looking at the pissed off Chief, doctor Liu Hai Kuan just stand still while sighing, thinking of the way to make the further conversation will reserved as much as possible.

"Don't forget you also trespassing my private life Zhao Yunlan, you had broke into this room without my consent, i can also sue you back and you will lose your job just like that.." said doctor Liu Hai Kuan.

"Your private life? This is a hidden room inside your practice room doc, we are neither at your house nor your apartment, this is a hospital! a public place, how can a doctor have a hidden room with such equipments like a spy, you tell me..." said Zhao Yunlan still holding firmly the Glock 22.

"Guys.., you can keep arguing or fighting as much as you wanted but can we at least take a sit instead talking while standing up like this? I am damn tired man.." said doctor Yang whining while looking at Zhao Yunlan.

Glaring at doctor Yang who whining like a child for a while, Zhao Yunlan then lightly move backward couple steps to maintain the gaps between them while holding his Glock 22 steadily, eyes on both person.

"Both of you, put each of your hands up so i can see, any funny moves then don't blame me.." warned Zhao Yunlan while gesture to the both doctors using his Glock 22 so they can have a sit at his left side.

"Now started to explain.., the whole damn truth and don't think about lying to me.." said Zhao Yunlan sit down still pointed the Glock 22 to doctor Liu Hai Kuan.

Can i trust him about the case that i have right now? I don't know yet if this case has any connection with Shen Wei other case that he has been investigating recently and where this case will gonna flow but.., still it involved with xiao Wei more or less...

"Both of us is under the Government protection for a purposed Zhao Yunlan, it connected with Shen Wei parent accident. Me and Yang here is really a doctor, i believed you already did the homework, investigated about us, specially digging things about me i supposed, so we are even okay.., no hard feeling Chief, so can you put the damn gun down! i promised we won't do anything funny, you have my words.." said doctor Liu Hai Kuan reasoning.

"And why should i do that?" asked Zhao Yunlan while now waving his Glock 22.

"Because i am a man with integrity, what i've said i've done it. We also bonded with the vows, not just you.." stated doctor Liu Hai Kuan.

"Vows? What are you guys doing exactly? tell me! then i will decide either i keep this Glock 22 or use it instead.." said Zhao Yunlan.

Sighing, doctor Liu Hai Kuan looking at Zhao Yunlan.

Such a headstrong and grumpy man, although he is the Chief but.. can i really managed working together with him to solve the case or should i get rid of him? Which one...

"Can we at least put down our hands? my arms are getting numb here.." whined doctor Yang again while pouting.

"Stop your whining doctor Yang, once more whining words come out from your mouth i make sure it will be no next time for you to whine.." warned Zhao Yunlan.

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