xii. still want to know what my voice sounds like?

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     SADIE COULDN'T TAKE it anymore. The constant sound of Ethan smacking on Cheetos was driving her so crazy, that she was to the point where she wanted to strangle him. He had been eating them the whole time they were in the van, right in Sadie's ear.

     The five of them; Mindy, Sadie, Ethan, Chad and Kirby, we're all squished into the back of an Enterprise van, waiting for Quinn to call Tara and Sam. Those two were currently walking around the park, hoping that Kirby would be quick enough to trace the call. If Ghostface even called. They had been waiting for Sam's phone to ring for the last twenty minutes.

"So we're really doing the whole phone tracing thing, that never works in the movies?" Mindy asks Kirby, a small chuckle coming from Chad. "It'll be all 'Keep him talking, Sam! Two more minutes, I've almost got him! And then he hangs up just before we can get a lock."

Sadie fiddled with her acrylics, not having much interest in anything Mindy was saying. She wouldn't be saying anything soon, anyways. Sadie was in charge to make sure that was certain.

"I can trace a call in under 15 seconds," Kirby retaliated, raising her eyebrow. Mindy's cocky smile momentarily dropped, before it reappeared, this time a little more forced. Sadie and Chad shared an impressed look with each other at Kirby's skill. Though, Sadie knew her speed would offer her no help— not when they were already a step ahead of them.

"Well, you've got them out there as bait," Mindy said, leaning forward onto the table in front of her.

"Because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby," Kirby responded, giving just as much attitude back as she was receiving. She was getting annoyed at Mindy's constant criticism, and, like Sadie, wished she would shut up for once.

"And you think they're safe because it's broad daylight, in a public place?" Sadie's mouth twitched upwards at that remark. Mindy was annoying, but she wasn't dumb. Though, she doesn't know everything like she thinks she does.

"Look, I am here, okay?" Kirby sighed. "I'm not going to let anything happen to them."

     "This is exactly how our Uncle Randy died. Broad daylight. Public place. Yanked into a van. Stab, stab, stab, no more Randy!" Mindy yelled. Sadie looked up from her nails at the sudden outburst and put on her best concerned face. Chad and Ethan were both frozen in place, both of their faces full of shock. Ethan offered the Cheetos towards Chad, who slowly took some.

     He then offered some to Sadie, but she shoved his hand away from her, disgusted by the sight of the snack. "No." Ethan rolled his eyes.

After the weird blow up from Mindy had passed, Kirby turn back towards her computer. "Hey, Sam, stay frosty out there, okay?"

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