The Great Arrival

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The sight to be seen through the window of the charter bus had pleasantly overwhelmed Kadian Niles. She took in the vast variety of African land surrounding her. There was no set pattern to the place- there was a different scene to be seen everywhere one looked. A grassland nearby, barren land there, with a tent or hut next to the soil- it was all random, yet remarkable. The slow sunrise just made it all the better.

The view almost made Kadian's stressful flight from America with her obnoxious classmates worthwhile. She was suddenly grateful that she had not dropped out of her cultural studies class too soon. Kadian always wanted to go to Africa, and now that she was finally there it was everything she ever thought it would be- although it would've been nice to have one of her friends by her side. Unfortunately, she was the only one out of her circle who took the class.

The bus came to a halt, and the students watched from the windows as the villagers began to pour out of their small tents and huts.

"Are they for real?"

"Don't tell me we're gonna have to wear sheets too!"

"Where are their shoes?"

"They dark as hell, we in that broke ass part of Africa!"

Kadian glowered at her classmates, and tuned them out as she turned back to the window. The people didn't strike her as poor, but more so...traditional. Their clothes were made of beautiful fabrics and skins, and gorgeous hand painted pottery and patchwork were strewn everywhere. Small markets and stores filled with a variety of foods and trinkets were evenly distributed throughout the place.

"And maybe it's just me," she thought, but she couldn't help but marvel at their dark, glowing, rich skin. It was similar to looking into a beautiful box of dark, sun kissed chocolates. Her own cinnamon-like complexion suddenly seemed plain in comparison.

Happy men, women, children, and teens were scattered all around. She watched as some smiled up at the students, while others went about their day. Her eyes suddenly caught the gaze of a young man, who couldn't have been a day over eighteen.

"Is he looking at me?" Kadian wondered, hoping so because he was rather handsome. She quickly turned to see who else on the bus he could possibly be looking at, but everyone else was preoccupied with...nonsense. She turned back to the window to find his eyes still boring holes into her. Never truly one to flirt, she cautiously sent a little nod and smile his way. His eyes widened with what seemed to be horror-or possibly surprise. He then shook his head before giving Kadian a disgusted look. She shot back a dirty look of her own, and looked away.

"This is why I don't try," she muttered under her breath.

"I need everyone's attention NOW!" Kadian sighed at her teacher, Mr. Mill. He was a tough, overly assertive teacher who secretly feared his students, yet tried so hard to relate to them-all while failing miserably. How it was that he was able to handle the Marines (he always talked about the experience when he wasn't screaming), but found fifteen adolescents to be a challenge would forever be a mystery.

"All of you need to shut up!" The class paused in annoyance more so than obedience, causing Mr. Mill to smile smugly.

"Now," he began, "as you may or may not know, I was a Marine once." Nearly everyone on the bus groaned, and smacked their lips.

"Shut your traps!" he bellowed, breaking his clipboard in half.

"That's the fifth one this month," Kadian thought. He cleared his throat, and continued.

"As I was saying, I was a Marine once. I used to have buddies stationed in here in Africa, so this is really hits home." He held up a hand, and cleared his throat.

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