The Great Proposal

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Chapter 48

“Did y’all see the garden?”

“I saw it!”

“It's so pretty!”

“I don’t believe it.”

“Who did it?”

“Onile, of course!”

“Did you see the garden Kadian?”

“Of course I saw it, I did it!  That was all me!” This was the response that Kadian wanted to give the awestruck villagers.  Instead, she smiled and said “Yeah, it’s amazing!”  

“You are too humble,” a voice from behind her said.

Everyone turned to face Mohassen and bowed, except for Kadian.

“What are you talking about?”

“That's what I want to know, too!”

“Wat do you mean?”

Mohassen grinned and, despite Kadian’s silent protests, answered the villagers’ questions.  “Kadian brought this garden back to life.  I witnessed it with my own eyes.”




“I cannot tell you any better than she could.  All I can say is that she did it.  And for that, I thank her.”  He looked at Kadian, who tried to frown.

“That is crazy!”


“Oh my Onile!”

“Still don’t believe it.”

“You’re welcome,” Kadian said curtly.

“That is not all.”  

The villagers, who had started to wander off, paused.  Mohassen walked towards Kadian.

“I do not know why I treat you the way I do, Kadian.  You don't deserve it, and it is nowhere near an accurate representation of how I feel about you.  Because how I feel about you…”

The villagers gasped when he grabbed her hand, and Kadian looked ready to faint.  “ I feel is not something I can put into words besides these words; Kadian Niles, would you, The Great Savior, do me the honor of being my date for the Love Fest tonight?”  

Kadian’s smile disappeared when she thought of the night before.  “I’m surprised you asked,” she said with just enough edge for Mohassen alone to catch.

“I know.  I was horrible, and there was no excuse for it.  I am sorry.”  

She could not recall the last time Mohassen apologized to her.

“I’ll do us both the honor,” Kadian said with a small smile.  The villagers cheered and chattered excitedly.  Before the two could say anything more, a mob of girls whisked her away.

“Congratulations, girl!”

“I can’t believe it!”

“You need new clothes!”

“You can’t be with a man like him looking like that.”

The men were equally impressed.  

“Didn’t see that coming!”

“Congrats brother!”

“You got yourself a good girl.”

“I’m proud of ya.”

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