Final Author's Note

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Can we just take a moment to celebrate the fact that I'm finally finished editing/posting 'Kadian' on Wattpad?!  It only took me 50 million years to do so (and I apologize for that), but I am so happy to be done!  I was actually getting kind of sick of the story.

In case the ending of 'Kadian' confused you, Alaba and Shetani basically discovered that Kadian is destined to die of old age in America- meaning that Kadian didn't actually die in The Patch in Azuraya.  Something went terribly wrong since she was able to go back home and age peacefully. 

I intended for 'Kadian' to be a trilogy, which explains why there are some holes in my story.  In the second book, Kadian would wake up in what was not actually a heaven, but a spiritual purgatory instead.  She would discover that she and all of the villagers are identical reincarnations of their dead ancestors (who Kadian gets to meet since she's in the purgatory.  She meets the woman that she is a reincarnation of- Kadiya.) The second book was also supposed to explain why Kadian was the chosen one, why Azuraya existed for so long, why Elder Zee knew so much and never aged, how Shango came to be, and why Onile wouldn't allow the Azurayans into Heaven.  The story would've also explained that Kadian and Mohassen were so cruel but drawn to each other due to their reincarnations, Kadiya and Mohow.  The two were once elite Azurayan chiefs that carried out a toxic love affair before their untimely death.  It would also explain why Zuri befriended Kadian so quickly- Zuri's reincarnation, Nuri, was the equivalent of a knight to Kadiya, and the two loved each other dearly (another reason that both of them had issues with Mohassen.) There's waaaay more to the story, but the story would have focused on Kadian learning how to travel to Hell so that she could defeat Alaba, who had began to create creatures even worse than The Great Danger to sic on the villagers.  And I wasn't sure what the trilogy was going to be about, haha.

But I like to be realistic with myself, and I know that realistically I don't wish to continue writing about Kadian.  It was fun while it lasted, but stressful and time consuming.  I will, however, begin to write short stories, so that's something to look forward to in the near future.

But to anyone who made it this far (even if you skipped some chapters), thank you.  I mean that with all of my heart.

So long!

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