The Great Lasting Impression

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"So that was Mohassen!" Kadian thought as she lay awake on her hotel bed, staring at the wallpapered ceiling. "That was the 'amazing son' everyone was talking about." Despite his enticing looks, she couldn't believe the rate at which everyone marveled him-he had such an irate disposition.

The most startling part of her day was not the shock Kadian received from finally seeing someone she'd heard so much about; but the shock of that said person's significant other She couldn't fathom how anyone with a hint of sanity could tolerate a woman like Alaba.

It was not difficult to tell how decent of a person someone was. For Kadian, it simply took one look. The second she laid eyes on Alaba, Kadian knew she would be problematic-and Alaba's actions have yet to prove otherwise.

Mohassen, on the other hand, hadn't set off Kadian's alarm as quickly as his girlfriend had. He'd been extremely rude, but he didn't give off what Kadian considered to be the vibes a bad person. That wasn't to say that he seemed like a great person- far from it. Mohassen came across as a very neutral person. He reminded her of that one unlikeable person that everyone knew, but tolerated because...Kadian scratched her head.

The fact that Mohassen was probably much older than she had originally thought did not escape her mind. It was hard to tell his true age, but there was no denying that Alaba was an adult. She wondered if Mohassen and Alaba were the same age- or if there was a wide gap between the two. Directly asking either one of seemed like an horrid idea, so Kadian made a mental note to ask Zee the next time she saw her.

She then remembered Mimosa, Mohassen's deceased wife that Zee had mentioned. If Mohassen had a wife at any point in time, then he was definitely too old for Kadian. The thought immediately bothered her. Then again, Azuraya could have been one of the several countries that still condone child marriages. Kadian frowned, rolled over on her side, and pondered about the truth as she drifted off to sleep.


The sun had set long ago, but Mohassen was still out in the night, jogging towards the chief's hut. He meant to pay him a visit earlier, but Alaba could be clingy at times.

"You called for me, Mighty Chief?" Mohassen stood upright with his hands behind his back upon seeing his father.

"I did-hours ago." Chief Mohoso paused to frown at his son before continuing. "I need you to monitor Zee over the next few days," he explained.

He was a brawny man of a burly stature, and stood much taller than his son. Unlike Mohassen, the chief sported a clean shaved head, and a long, thick, black beard.

"Of course, Mighty Chief. Is something wrong with Elder Zee? "

"Potentially. She has developed a connection with one of the African American students. She had an outlandish name...what was it...ah!" The chief snapped his fingers. "It was Kadian, I believe."

Mohassen scrunched his face. "As in the character from the story?"

"No you fool!" the chief snapped, then sighed.

"No," he said again calmly. "That is her birth name, as ignorant as it may be. She is the only American student who has been wandering the village."

Mohassen's heart sank when he realized his father was referring to the irksome girl he had met in the woods. "I see. What about her?"

"Did I not just tell you Zee has been talking to her? Listen up!" Mohassen almost flinched.

"The children will be returning to America in a few days. Zee seldom converses with Americans, so it is concerning to see her do so now-which is why I need you to do two things. First and foremost, find out how much the girl knows before she leaves. If she knows whatever I deem to be too much, she will not be leaving. Secondly, entertain Zee when the girl leaves. I can imagine that she would be bored following the girl's absence."

Mohassen's eyes widened. "But Elder Zee hates Americans, that doesn't make any sense! "

"That's why I'm worried!" the chief banged his fist into the table, then stared down at the crack that had formed.

Finally, he looked up, and sighed. "That is why I am worried," he repeated softly. "But I have better things to worry about, so this is your worry now. You will acquire all of this information tomorrow, is that understood Mohassen?"

"Yes, Mighty Chief."


"Goodnight father." Mohassen said quietly. The dismissed him with a wave of a hand.

Mohassen made his way back to his tent, fuming over the news, and its harsh delivery. He crept in quietly, for Alaba was asleep. He carefully lay beside her, and tenderly put his arm around her. A little smile spread across her face. "Mo...." she murmured, then continued to snore.

He stared into the darkness, and thought about the girl. Kadian. Kadian. Just sound of her name revolted him. Why had she spent so much time in the village in the first place? He had been getting along quite well with his father, up until now, and it was all because of her.

Zee choosing to waste her time with such a creature was truly mystifying. Zee talked to everyone, but apart from Mohassen and his father, she hardly liked anyone- anyone alive, anyways. Yet here she was, spending her days with a bothersome American girl? As upsetting as it was, Mohassen was a bit relieved by their relationship. It made his own fascination towards the girl seem normal.  

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