The Great Understanding

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“Look at me Alaba.”

“You are perfect, love. In each and every way imaginable, you are perfect,” she murmured dreamily into the pelt of her creation, ignoring her husband.

“It isn't healthy.”

Shetani could tell she was frowning, even when she didn’t lift her face.  “Do I look like someone who's in the mood?”

“Do I look like I’m in the mood?!” he snapped, causing Alaba to lift her head.

“What’s wrong with you?  You’d feel so much better if you just calmed down, dear.”

Shetani shook his head and glowered towards the ground.  “It’s been too long Alaba, too long!  I don’t like knowing that this thing is in your room at night- it’s evil!”

Alaba narrowed her eyes.  “Aren’t you?”

“Maybe, but at least I don’t sleep with evil.  I simply manage it- not treat it like my pet.  Roll your eyes all you want, but I want that thing out of here by the end of the week, or I’m killing it.”

Alaba leapt to her feet, causing her creation to growl.  

“Shhh...” she petted its head before turning to Shetani.  “Do you know how hard I worked Shetani, how much time I put into that?  You can’t kill my baby!  You can’t do that!”

“I know you work hard, that’s not your baby, and I can and gladly will kill it if it’s not gone in time!”  He slammed her red room door shut, causing Alaba to flinch.  

“Don’t you worry, love,” she assured the creature. “I won’t let you die, not after everything I've been through.  I suppose we’ll be saying good bye sometime soon.”  Alaba wrapped her arms around the beast, letting her tears dot its pet.  


“You realize it’s past noon right?”


“Okay.  Just asking, ‘cause you don’t look like you even tried to get up today.”

“That’s because I didn’t.”

Zuri sighed and begun to swing back and forth on the door of Kadian’s hut.  “Well, everybody’s waitin’ on you.”

Kadian slowly lifted her head from a pile of sheets to look at Zuri.  “I don’t know why.”

Zuri rolled her eyes, and swung on the door even harder- it was surprisingly sturdy.  “You kinda did go crazy and cuss out everyone yesterday.  That doesn’t sit well with most people, you know.”

“I don’t think you’re a nosy ass villager, Zuri.  Or a bastard.”

Zuri laughed.  “Psh, I know you don’t.  But I think you need to try telling that to everybody else.  Cause they’re just about ready to spit on you.”

Kadian groaned and buried her face in the covers again.  She had broken out a bit on her cheeks from doing this so often, but she didn’t have the energy to correct herself.

Zuri stepped inside of the hut, knelt down, and began to poke Kadian’s ribs incessantly.  “You’ve been here for, what, 3 months maybe?  That Danger thing’s got to be coming soon.  And you won’t be ready if you’re busy being mad.  Besides, you need them on your good side- even if the good side’s not as good as you want it to be.”

Kadian swatted at Zuri’s hand, who blocked it and continued to poke Kadian’s ribs.  Kadian finally rolled over and looked up at Zuri.  “You think they’re still out there?”

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