The Great News

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"What is this?" Alaba whispered, dazed.

Shetani chuckled. "Not sure why you're whispering, sweetheart. But this-" he motioned to the room in one sweeping gesture- "is where that magic I told you about happens. This is your room, La La."

Alaba's eyes darkened. "Don't you ever call me that again in your life."

Shetani held up his hands. "Fine, fine. But whaddya think?"

Alaba's eyes brightened. "It is just gorgeous! I have never had a room so extravagant, so lovely, so, so-!"

Alaba pranced around the room, running her hands over the red velvet walls, and rough red carpet.

"Ohh, and these drapes!" Alaba wrapped herself around the silk, burgundy, gold laced curtains that swayed from the ceiling. "And the beads!"

Strands of orange and red beads also hung from the ceiling, and some were scattered on the ground.

"I knew someone who used to love beads." Alaba said absentmindedly as she toyed with a string of beads.

"But you sure didn't love her," Shetani teased.

Alaba didn't bother to look at him. "How could I? She was my blood...but she wanted the water. She wanted her. She betrayed me." Alaba dropped the beads, and stared off into the distance.

Shetani rolled his eyes, but said nothing. Alaba's next question caught him off guard. "Is she here?"

"What?" Shetani frowned.

"Where did she end up? Is she here?"

Shetani folded his arms. "You honestly think that little girl is here?"

Alaba whirled around violently. "Little girls can be messed up too!"

"Oh I'm sure she is messed up! Her big sister made her an accomplice to all her crimes, tried to kill her, then watched her kill herself! "

Alaba pulled her braids and screamed wildly. Shetani watched her silently. When she stopped, he asked "Done with your little tantrum? "

Alaba glared at Shetani, and put her hands on her hips. "That was no tantrum! I'll have you know that I was having an episode. Nothing more, nothing less."

Shetani stared at Alaba before shaking his head. "Sit in that chair. I need to show you something."

Alaba turned to see a large, red cushioned stool in front of a wooden, rectangular table.

"Was that always there?" she asked as she sat.

"Does that matter?" Shetani's patience was wearing thin. Alaba wasn't the only person he had to tend to- he was the Devil, afterall.

He snapped his fingers, summoning a smooth, angular black rock. The flattest, widest part faced Alaba.

"What's this?" Alaba reached out to touch the rock, but Shetani snatched her wrist.

"Alaba!" he growled, and she cringed. He softened his tone when he noticed the sadness in her eyes, and sighed.

"Listen, I don't mean to be that way, sweetheart. I know this here is all new to you, but you can seriously fuck some shit up touching things you don't know anything about. So please, let's do things together from here on out. Okay baby??"

Alaba nodded and batted her thick eyelashes.

Shetani ignored the gesture, and began to give instructions. "Now this here isn't your ordinary rock-"

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