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To anyone who is currently interested in reading 'Kadian'/used to read it-

I am so sorry for leaving so abruptly, and for so long.  Although I had a lot of personal things going on at the time, I still could have thought of a better way to leave-or not have left at all.  On top of that, I was stressed about 'Kadian' itself.  I figured that the story wasn't good enough,  barely anyone read it, and whenever I looked back on previous chapters, I would cringe over how bad/corny I thought my writing was.  

Now, I realize that all stories are worth being told, it shouldn't matter even if I only had one reader, and that I can always just keep editing as I write-because writing is a process, after all.  But once again, I'm really sorry.

With that being said, I plan to publish as regularly as I am comfortable with-meaning that I may update slow, fast, quick, etc.  I will also be editing old chapters, so Wattpad may send out a couple of false alarm notifications that I have added a new chapter, when I really haven't-so be ready for that.  Speaking of editing, please forgive me for any typos or errors that you may see throughout the story.  I edit every chapter before I post it, but I'm so familiar with the story that sometimes my eyes miss mistakes.  Still, I will try my best to keep them out of the story.

 And, since I've been gone for so long, I'm going to try to compensate by, not only editing all of the old chapters, but by adding 3 more new ones today!

Thanks for reading!


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