The Great Confusion

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"Oh wow. That was something you don't see everyday...ever. Wow." The stunned villager stood there as a distraught Kadian leaned against a window, watching her class's plane fly off into what was now the night. They were on their way back to America. Back to their cozy homes, back to school the following week. They were headed back to their old lives.

It all had to be an elaborate joke. There was simply no other explanation. How could the flight attendant not have seen her? And why didn't Jade or a student realize that Kadian was missing? It was standard for chaperones to make sure that all students were present and accounted for. She wasn't particularly close with her class, but she was almost certain that someone would've mentioned her at some point. It just didn't make sense.

The village teen's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Well, there ain't nothing we can do now! My name is Zuri, in case I didn't already say. Elder Zee told me to make sure you made it to your plane-guess not." She cleared her throat. "Anyways, I've seen you around." Zuri extended her hand. Kadian shook it, and introduced herself solemnly.

"I'm Kadian." She took a moment to actually look at Zuri. Short, dark, curly hair framed her brown face. Her eyes were a deep hazel, and her face was painted. Underneath both eyes were golden, dotted curves. Similar dots were found going in straight line down her forehead, with a few swirls decorating the sides. Kadian decided that she would ask about the markings on a different day.

"Kadian? I think I remember that story."

Kadian managed to give Zuri a half-hearted smile. Remembering something and enjoying it weren't necessarily the same thing.

"Uh, cool. Well, what should we do now?"

"Head back. Or see about one of these late flights."

"There isn't one. And she ripped my ticket, remember?"

"Right, right."

The two were silent for the remainder of their walk. Kadian's stomach coiled around itself the more and more she thought about her predicament. How would she get back home, and how would she explain herself once she made it? She thought about flying as an unaccompanied minor, but her parents would still murder her for missing her flight. Besides, to do that would cost money, money that she didn't have. Nor did the villagers. Well, perhaps if they all saved their funds and...Kadian tossed the idea. She had been there for such a short amount of time, and doubted that they would go through the trouble for her. Even if they would, she wasn't sure that she'd want them to. There was always help to be found off reserve, but how would she obtain it if no one payed attention to her? Kadian decided to wait for the villagers' advice.

Majority of the villagers had fallen asleep against the airport's wall, or its benches by the time girls reached them. Zuri tapped Zee, who was curled up on a bench with a blanket. She popped up angrily. "Wat child, wat?!" Her eyes brightened instantly when they landed on Kadian.

"Welcome back, child!" she laughed.

Immediately the sleeping villagers woke, and proceeded to bombard Kadian with questions.

"She's back?!"

"Where's the rest of your class?"

"Did the plane leave?"

"What are you still doing here?"

"Girl, go home!"

Kadian looked up at the ceiling before muttering, "They left me."

Immediately, the villagers were angered.

"Were you not fast enough?" one asked harshly.

Zuri answered for her. "Nah, she was quick-I guess. Everyone was ignoring her, that's what it was. Would you believe that this one lady actually ripped her ticket?"

"RIPPED HER TICKET!?!" they cried.

While they all chattered and argued feverishly, Kadian decided to seek help elsewhere. She saw a heavyset TSA guard with a mustache approaching her direction.

"Excuse me sir?" she said when he was within earshot.

He continued walking. She rushed next to him and walked alongside him.

"Excuse me?" she spoke loud and clear, trying to hide her frustration. Again, he responded with nothing-not even a glance. She decided to tap his shoulder. The guard paused abruptly before looking all around. He scratched his head, and continued to walk.

"Please listen to me!" Kadian tapped him again, with more force.

He jerked at her touch, puzzled. Then, he grew angry. "Alright who's doing that? Huh?!" he screamed at a nearby family. "I'll have you know that this is not a playground, and I will personally escort you all out of the building one by one if this continues!"

Passerbyers turned and gave the officer a strange look. Kadian screamed "SOMEBODY HELP ME!", but everyone continued to stare and whisper about the officer.

At that point, Kadian was convinced that everything occurring could be nothing but a cruel, practical joke. That was the only possible explanation, and she had had enough of it all. She missed her flight, and was probably going to be severely punished when she got home-her parents would be worried sick when they found out! They would most likely end up paying a large amount of money to bring her home, and she knew that would put them behind tremendously on the bills. Kadian was trying her hardest to fight back tears, and was disgusted that people apparently found humor in that.

She slapped the TSA officer so hard he fell. A roar of screams and laughter rang throughout the airport. The now red and sweaty guard furiously jumped up and pointed at a young man in a suit a few feet behind Kadian.


The young man turned around and lowered his cellphone from his ear. "Excuse me?"

The guard charged at the young man, who stepped to the side before before Kadian could move out of the way. Both her and the guard to crashed to the floor as a result. People immediately rushed to the guard and helped him up, but made nothing of the crippled Kadian.

"Oh my god, are you okay?"

"Should I call somebody?"

"Who tripped you, was it him?" They all looked up accusingly at the same young man in the suit, ignoring Kadian's cries of "Look at me!"

"You should be ashamed of yourself!" a messy woman in sweatpants scolded. The man stared at her and everyone else blankly, shook his head, and walked away.

"Oh wow! The nerve of that boy!" Strands of hair fell out of the woman's sloppy bun as she shook her head.

Kadian slowly sat up, and looked the woman square in the eye. "Bitch, do you see me?" she asked.

Seeing that she was in the middle of a joke, Kadian thought that the woman would break character if she felt personally insulted. But it was apparent that she did not feel that way, for she went on complaining about 'the young people of today.'

Kadian slapped her, a buff man, started to push a child but stopped, and ran out of the airport as terrified cries of "Who did that?!" echoed throughout the building.  

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