The Great Danger

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“Girl, if you don’t stop being so stiff!”  A woman flicked Kadian’s back.  

Kadian looked at Zuri with annoyance- that was at least the fifth time someone had said so to her.  But Zuri simply said “What?  She's right.”


“You’ve been walking around here looking like you’re on patrol for two hours.  You sure nothing’s wrong? Because you can tell me, you know.”

“I’m sure.”

“Well come on then.”  She grabbed Kadian’s hand.

“‘Come on’ where?”

“We’re dancing,”  Zuri said as she nodded towards the center of The Log.  “The drummers are on point tonight.”

“Eh, I don’t know…”  It certainly did look fun, but- fun.  VeeVee’s words rang through Kadian’s head again.  “You must have a bit of fun…”

“Alright, let’s go.”  Kadian allowed Zuri to drag her to the center.

She half expected Zuri to let her hand go when they made it, but she didn’t.  Instead, she grabbed her other one, and began to swing them wildly side to side.  Kadian laughed and began to replicate her movements as they spun around childishly.  Suddenly, Zuri paused.  

“What’s wrong?”  Kadian asked.

Zuri brought Kadian’s hands closer before grinning and saying “Nothing.”  Her smile shone underneath her gold (but normally white) face paint.  Up until that point, Kadian hadn’t payed much attention to what Zuri was wearing, but she looked very nice.  As opposed to her usual pants or plain tunic, Zuri wore a toga like, midnight blue dress.  It was simple, but suit her perfectly.

The two began to dance a bit slower, a bit more seriously.  Eventually, the two became in sync with one another’s movements, and were dancing smoothly across the floor.

Zuri was staring intently into Kadian’s eyes, and Kadian waited for her to crack a smile or laugh, but she didn’t, so neither did she- until Zuri twirled her around.

“That’s what American princes do, right?” she asked with a wide smile.

“Something like that,”  Kadian laughed.

“And then they do this-” Zuri twirled her around once more before expertly tilting Kadian all the way back, supporting her around the waist with one arm, and holding her hand with the other.

“Don’t drop me!!!”  Kadian was now laughing uncontrollably as Zuri bent her closer and closer to the ground, before snapping her back up.  

“I wasn’t,” Zuri insisted.  

“Alright, let me try now.”  Kadian procrastinated and teased Zuri by spinning her around multiple times.  

“Get to it, Kad-”

Kadian nearly dropped Zuri, but caught her right before she could hit the ground.  

“What the hell was that?”


They burst out laughing as they stayed in the awkward half dance half rescue position.  Kadian must’ve realized that she was enjoying herself, because right before she brought Zuri up, VeeVee’s words echoed through her head again.  “You must have fun…”

Kadian slowly looked up from Zuri and into the bushes far ahead.  Two red dots stood out, and they could not have been anything but eyes.  “But not too much fun…”

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