The Great Woods

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Kadian decided that Mohassen was at his best whenever he was busy discussing Azuraya, or himself. As opposed to the latter, she decided it would be useful to know more about Azuraya.. Zee had told her many things concerning the place, but not everything.

"So..." Kadian said as the two headed towards the woods, "I'm pretty sure Elder Zee told me already, but how old is Azuraya? I mean, this particular location?"

"This particular location? We are about the hit the one thousand year mark, I believe. But I assume Zee told you the real age by now?"

"Yeah, she did, and it's crazy. That's a long time..." Kadian was not satisfied with the lack of explanation over the country's mysterious existence. "I'm guessing the people did a lot of migrating?"

Mohassen nodded. "You could call it that. To us, 'migrating' meant being kicked out of a place, or fleeing before you got kicked out." He frowned

"Oh." Kadian decided to change the topic before he began to grow irritable. "So I heard you all ended up in Mali because of a tricky negotiation or something?"

Mohassen beamed with pride, and puffed his chest out a bit. "Yes, and as a matter of fact, it was one of my great grand fathers who settled it all. My family has a history of excellence, as you can see. Our chiefs have been nothing short of amazing. We have fought all kinds of battles, and accomplished achievements that you wouldn't believe. I am next and line, and the greatness will only continue!" he boasted.

Kadian couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm, although it was vain.

"Impressive family, but someone sounds a little cocky...just saying."

"Cocky?!" Mohassen looked amused. "How about confident?"

Kadian rolled her eyes. "There's a difference, but whatever."

Mohassen cocked an eyebrow. "What about your family? You hardly speak of them."

Kadian glowered at him. "You know why I don't talk about them."

Mohassen gave her a serious look. "I know why you do not talk about them, but it does not make sense. So what you can't see them until this is all over? They still exist, and I'm sure you wouldn't be so distraught if you did not love them."

For once, Kadian found herself agreeing with Mohassen. It was true- it wasn't fair to act as though her family were to blame, when them ignoring her was simply an unfortunate side effect of her situation.

"Well, I have a mom, and a dad. Then I have an older brother named Ju'Juan, and a younger brother named Anthony." Mohassen looked surprised.

"What?" Kadian asked.

"Nothing. I took it that you were an only child."

"Why do you say that?"

Mohassen shrugged. "I do not know, you just seem like it. Do you like your family?"

"Oh, I love them!" Kadian dreamily gazed off at the trees, which were getting closer. They were almost to the forest.

"They were great," she continued. "I mean, they get on my nerves, but that's normal. Especially Anthony- I remember when he broke my China doll the day I got it!"

Mohassen snickered as Kadian frowned at the memory. "But he was fun, I guess. Ju'Juan was cool, but he didn't really take me seriously since I'm younger. But that made for some interesting arguments, I guess."

Mohassen could almost relate to Kadian's feelings- he wasn't taken as seriously as he'd like to be just because he was a young man. Elders were treasured in Azuraya.

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