The Great Training

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"Where is that damned girl?!" Mohassen grumbled as he pushed through The Patch's hedges. It was nearly dawn, and Kadian was not in her tent when he checked it. None of the villagers knew where she was- not even Zee. Kadian was either off the reserve, or in the woods. Mohassen decided that he'd give up the search if she wasn't somewhere in the latter.

"Kadian!" he called with his hands cupped around his mouth. "KADIAN!" He groaned when he received no response, and sat down cross legged in the middle of The Patch.

"She is not taking this seriously," Mohassen thought. "Anyone who could comprehend the seriousness of this situation would never keep me waiting. Only a child would do such a stupid thing. Only a-"


Something fell from a tree behind Mohassen- and it intended to land on him. Mohassen jumped on his feet and dashed across The Patch, not bothering to look back. He snatched a sharp branch off the hedge before whirling around to face his attacker. When he saw the culprit, he sucked in a breath, and closed his eyes.

"Haha! Gotcha, didn't I?" Kadian laughed as she stood and dusted off her navy green tank top. "Your face, Mohassen! You should've seen your face!" She went to the center of The Patch, and stood in front of him.

Mohassen opened his eyes and looked at Kadian as though she were something vile. "Nothing is funny about that bullshit! And what the hell are you doing in trees anyways, you're late!"

Kadian stopped laughing, but still looked amused. "Actually, you're late. I got here at 4:00 AM, and I certainly didn't see you, so I had to find a way to kill the time."

Mohassen was at a loss for words. "Well...I did not tell you to get here earlier than dawn, so that is on you. Now if you are done fooling around, I am ready."

"So am I."

"Well, let us get started. Step back a, not that far back. Too close...hold it right there. Now face me- perfect! Now assume the stance you saw the other day."

Kadian cocked her head. "Shouldn't we stretch first?"

"Damnit!" Mohassen thought. He never forgot to stretch before warming up. In fact, he often dedicated fifteen minutes of his routine solely towards stretching. There had been times where he had intentionally forgoed it due to laziness, but he had never blatantly forgot. Kadian could not know that.

"Some would say so...but I disagree." Mohassen hadn't thought of a proper excuse.

"Why?" Kadian still hadn't taken her stance.

"You see...stretching helps to warm you up, and...stretch out your muscles before you engage in physical activity." Each word came out slowly.

Kadian narrowed her eyes. "I'm aware of the purpose of stretching. And isn't that even more reason why we should do it?"

Just as he had on several occasions in his life, Mohassen instantly wished he could go back in time. He knew that confessing he forgot something shouldn't have been a big deal, but it seemed like something Kadian wouldn't let go. Either way, it was too late- he had already lied, and had to follow through.

"No, it is not because..." His eyes lit up. "It is not a good idea, because think of a real fight! Have you ever been in a real fight?"

Kadian looked off to the side. "Three."

Mohassen hid his surprise. "Well, did you stop to stretch for those fights? Or did they happen when you least expected it?"

Kadian lifted her eyebrows. "No, I guess not. So you're saying that we shouldn't train with a stretched body because I'm probably not fighting with a stretched body, right?"

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