I'm sorry come again?!?!

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This wasn't suppose to happen. Val wasn't suppose to know about Sophia. I thought he went back home and he was done with the show. That's what he told me when he left. He couldn't handle this relationship, he couldn't handle a long distance one.

"Why is he back?" I ask Mark and Derek.

"I don't know." They say in unison.

"What are we going to say when he asks about Sophia?" I demand gesturing to her. Sophia is sitting on Brittany's lap while she plays a game on my phone. "Say she's someone else's." Mark suggests.

"Like who?" I ask.

"One of the girls." Derek says pointing to the girls. Their heads shoot up and they says, "Uh what?"

"Yeah, but probably not Lindsay." Mark says.

"Witney either, they both look very different from Sophia." Derek adds. "Wait that only leaves me!" Brittany whines.

"Yeah, but what about when he asks about a father?" I question.

"Give us a minute." Mark states. The two stand in the corner by the fridge talking. Then, of course, Paul walks in. "Hey guys." Paul says.

"Paul!" Derek and Mark yell. Paul has a shocked face at the mention of his name. "I hate you guys, I really hate you." Brittany snaps.

"What?" Paul questions.

"Would you mind helping us with something?" Lindsay asks.

"Sure." He answers.

"Well, Val's here and Jenna doesn't want him knowing about Sophia being his," Mark says, "So we're going to say that Sophia is Brittany's and when he asks about the father..." Mark gestures to Paul.

"And you want me to pretend that I'm the father, right?" Paul questions.

"Yeah." Derek says.

"I'm in." Pau; smirks. Brittany glares at him and the others.

    "So until he leaves, pretend that you two are together." Witeny says.

"Yeah an occasional kiss wouldn't kill anyone." Mark laughs and Witney elbows him.

"What if we told that we're already together?" Brittany murmurs.

"I'm sorry come again." Lindsay says.

"Me and Paul have been together for two weeks now." Brittany says. We're all shocked.

"What about Sophia?" Brittany asks, "What if she calls Jenna her mom?"

"I've got this covered." I say lifting Sophia out of Brittany's lap.

"Ok baby girl, we're going to play a game." I say.

"Game!" Sophia squeals.

"Yeah, now you're going to not say the word momma, ok?" I state.

"Ok." She answers.

"Now when the new guy comes in, put your head in Brittany or Paul's shoulder." I explain and she shakes her head. "And don't your head out until they say so."

"Ok Momma." She answers. I smile at her and kiss her forehead.

"That's my Sophia." I smile. She giggles and I hand her back to Brittany. That couldn't ended a moment too soon because Val enters the kitchen a few seconds later.

"Hey Val!" Witney smiles. I want to make seem like I'm an angry ex-girlfriend. "Who's this little cutie?" Val asks looking at Sophia. Please go along with it Brittany and Paul.

"She's ours." Paul says placing at hand on Brittany's shoulder. Sophia remembered our game and had laid her head on Brittany's shoulder. "When did this happen?" Val questions.

"About the time you left, Sophia just turned 11 months." Brittany answers. Val hasn't even looked my way and thank god didn't question their story. I've got an idea to get out of here. "Let's go girls." I say heading to the door.

"Bye." They all say. We're outside and Brittany hands Sophia back to me. "Great job baby girl." I whisper into her ear. She lays her head on my shoulder and slowly falls asleep.

"Let's go back to my apartment." I suggest.

"Ok." They agree and we go to our separate cars. I place Sophia in her car seat and get into the driver seat. A few minutes later we're back at my apartment and we go inside.

"Let's watch a movie." Witney says. For the next couple of hours we watch a bunch of different, that Sophia can watch of course. "Aunt Lindsa." Sophia says poking Lindsay in the cheek. About a half hour ago, Lindsay feel asleep. "Aunt Lindsa." Sophia says again.

Lindsay doesn't move at all. "Momma!" Sophia complains.

"Use a pillow." I say.

"OK." Sophia smiles. She grabs a pillow off the floor and whacks Lindsay square in the face. Lindsay flies off the couch and Sophia moves right before Lindsay lands on her. "Who did that?" Lindsay demands.

Sophia sits on the ground giggling her head off. "Sophia you did it?" Lindsay questions. Sophia shakes her head and burst into another fit of giggles. "Whose idea was it?" Lindsay questions.

"Momma!" Sophia squeals pointing to me. Lindsay glares at me and I raise my hands. "What you wouldn't wake up!" I exclaim. Lindsay picks up the pillow and throws it at me. It misses me, but hits Witney on the side of her head. "Jenna!" Witney yells.

"Lindsay did it." I state. Witney throws pillow at Lindsay, but hits Brittany instead. After that we all start throwing pillows at eachother and Sophia sat on the ground giggling.

It lasted for about ten minutes until one of us accidently threw it at Sophia and it hit her. She started crying and I picked her up off the floor. "Are you ok?" I ask her.

"Mhm." She answers. I didn't notice that she was picking up a pillow off the floor and she throws it at Witney, hitting her in the back of the head. "Jenna knock it off." Witney snaps.

"I didn't do it." I say. Sophia smiles evilly and buries her head in my shoulder.

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