Slip and Slide of Life

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(Jenna's POV)

My hands began to shake with fright as I stared down at the final test. Had I not learned anything from the last time, it was time for me to start realizing that mistakes happen. Sophia was never a mistake and this baby won't be either, no matter what happens. I need a second thought on this, so I dial the number of the first person I can think of, Lindsay.

She supported me through the entire first pregnancy and I know she'll be here for the second. With shaky hands I hold the phone to my ear and wait for Lindsay to pick up. "Hey Jenna what's up?" Lindsay chirps from the other end of the phone. "Uh...Lindsay...I..." I stutter.

"Jens stay right there, are you at home?" Lindsay questions.

"Yea." I manage to get out as Lindsay hangs up and I wait on the couch a bit before hearing a knock at the door. I open it and Lindsay bursts in. "Oh thank god, you're in one piece, I thought you'd hurt yourself or something." Lindsay rambles, Emilia in a baby carrier on the ground next to her as she hugs me. "I'm good Linds, I promise." I state.

"So what was that phone call about?" Lindsay questions.

"Um, uh... I'm pregnant." I reply, tears forming in my eyes.

"Jen that's great news!" Lindsay exclaims, "Sophia get's be a big sister."

"I know, I just worry that he's gonna leave." I choke out.

"Jenna Michelle, Val's not going to leave you, plus if he tries I'll cut his balls off." Lindsay states with a straight face, causing me to erupt in giggles. "What it's true." she says.

-Later That Day-

Val returned home with Sophia a little after Lindsay left. Sophia was tried and instantly fell asleep for her afternoon nap. The quietness of the apartment caused me to become more and more nervous as I waited for the right moment to tell Val. But everything I thought I got the guts to say it, I shut my mouth and decide not to.

Finally after thinking about it for a good half hour I say, "Val." He enters from the kitchen and gives me a confused look as he asks, "What's up Bambi?"

"You might wanna sit down." I say and Val takes a seat on the couch, staring at me with hopeful eyes as I try to form the words, "I'm pregnant."

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