I know

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Later in the night Val comes to my apartment with Maks. Maks and Meryl talk for a little and a then leave. Val stays with me at my apartment. "Jenna," he says and I look at him, "I have something to tell you."

I had put Sophia to sleep and she went to sleep pretty quickly, I don't think Val heard her. "What's up?" I ask.

"I know." He states. He knows? Who told him?

"Know what?" I ask, playing dumb.

"I know about Sophia." He whispers. I look him in the eye and he gives me a hopeful look. He does know about her, but I told everyone to never tell him.

"Who told you?" I question.

"Mark." He answers.

"Is there anything you want talk about?" I ask.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." He murmurs.

"For what?" I say.

"For leaving you to take care of Sophia by yourself." Val says with sad eyes. But it's not his fault. "It's not your fault, I should've called or at least had someone else call, but I thought you wanted nothing to do with me." I explain.

"I would've bought a plane ticket back if you had called me and told me, I would've been there." He says.

"Why?" I demand, tears begin to welt up in my eyes.

"I still love you." Val says, that's it and the tears begin to roll down my cheeks. "I still love you too." I cry. He walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. I cry into his shoulder and the year's regrets fly away.

I should've called, Sophia deserves a dad. I'm still crying into his shoulder until I hear, "Momma?" Great, Sophia's awake. I pull away from Val and look to see my little girl standing in the hall with her teddy in her hand.

"Who?" Sophia asks pointing Val.

"Come here baby girl." I say opening my arms. Sophia runs over to me and sits on my lap. "Sophia this is your Daddy." I say. Sophia turns away from me and stares at Val for a moment. "Dadda." She giggles.

I smile and Sophia giggles once more. I love her little giggles. "Dadda stay?" Sophia questions.

"No Daddy will be back tomorrow." Val explains to her.

"Ok." She says. Val kisses the top of Sophia's head and looks at me. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." Val smiles at us.

"Ok bye." I say.

"Bi Dadda." Sophia states waving to Val. Val smiles and makes his way to the door. Once he leaves, Sophia turns to me and smiles. "Time to go back to bed." I say to her. I carry her to her room and place her in her crib.

-Next Morning-

At 9 there's a knock at the door. Sophia had woken up about an hour ago and she's watching TV in the living room. I open the door and Val is smiling on the other side. "Dadda!" Sophia yells running to Val.

Val lifts her off the ground and pulls her into a hug. "I have something for you." He says to her. Sophia's eyes light up and Val hands her a bag from the Disney store. She opens the bag and pulls out a Minnie Mouse pop star beauty set.

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