Flashback~ Faded

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With tears streaming down her cheeks, Sophia held a pout on her tiny face as she threw a tantrum. She'd been annoyed all day and Jenna had no clue why her ten month old daughter was acting like this. "Baby girl please talk to Momma." Jenna begs, sitting beside her daughter as she pouts. Sophia turns away from Jenna and she attempts to turn her back towards her.

"Please baby girl." Jenna says.

"I wan dadda." Sophia whispers and Jenna freezes. The person she was asking for, wasn't in Jenna's life anymore. She instantly hurt for Sophia, she'd probably never get to know him- he left and most likely wasn't coming back. "Baby girl come here." Jenna whispers, and Sophia crawls onto Jenna's lap. Jenna started brush through Sophia's hair with her fingers and she mumbles, "Do you want Momma to tell you where Dadda is?"

Sophia nods her head against her mom's chest. "Dadda's away on trip for a long time, but he loves you very much." Jenna whispers, a stray tear runs down her cheek as she told her first lie to her daughter. Her father doesn't even know she exists, but that's something that she isn't planning to tell Sophia. "Momma tell storie bout Dadda." Sophia mumbles, clutching tightly onto Jenna's shirt.

Jenna took about a minute or two to decide what story to tell Sophia about Val. "The first time Momma and Dadda met." Jenna says, taking a deep breath. "It was season 18 of Dancing with the Stars, it was Momma's first season on the show and she was super nervous, but she had Aunt Lindsay, Aunt Witney and Aunt Emma there."

"What bout Aunt Britt?" Sophia cuts in.

"Aunt Britt didn't come until season 20, but back to the story. Momma came to the studios with Aunt Lindsay and Aunt Witney, she knew some of the others. And there he was, your Dadda was standing across the studio. Momma and Dadda looked at each other for the first time and time seemed to of stopped as everyone started dancing. Momma and Dadda ended up dancing together on the first day for the opening number for week one. Dadda was so sweet to Momma, calling her beautiful." Jenna says as tears stream down her cheeks.

"And a few years later you came into my world baby girl." Jenna adds on, kissing her little girl's head. "Mommy can't imagine her life without you Sophia."

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