What Part of Don't Come Back Don't You Understand

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The girls left about an hour and Sophia was getting fussy. She never took her nap and its showing. "Momma I tired." Sophia cries.

"Ok baby girl." I say carrying her to her room and I start humming 'Wildest Dreams' to her. In a few minutes, she finally falls asleep and I place her in her crib. I pull her blanket over her body and pick her teddy off the floor and put it next to her.

I now have about an hour and half to two hours before she wakes up. I head into the kitchen and check the time. 4:30, so I'm going to start dinner. Sophia prefers to eat things with Nutella, a Val move. I start making some mac and cheese with chicken nuggets.

Someone knocks the front door and I go to answer it. I open the door and Val is on the other side. "Hey." He says.

"H-i-i." I stutter. Remember Jenna, angry ex-girlfriend and pray that Sophia doesn't call for me. "Why are you back?" I question.

"Can I come in?" he asks.

"No." I reply.

"Why?" he questions. He won't leave until I let him in.

"Fine." I say rolling my eyes. I open the door further and he walks in. "You never answered my question." I state.

"I came back because I wanted to see how everyone is doing." He explains.

"Why are you bothering me?" I snap, "What part of leave and don't come back don't you understand?" His face softens and he looks away from me, thinking of an answer. "I missed you." He murmurs.

"Well it's a little too late." I growl.

"I know that you probably won't forgive me, but please don't be mad at me anymore." Val begs.

"I'm trying, but you make it difficult." I say shaking my head.

"I'm gonna get going." He says.

"Bye." I say.

"Bye." Val answers. He lets himself out and I stare at the door sadly. What he doesn't know, won't hurt him. Not being a part of his daughter's life or knowing about his daughter won't hurt him. A few tears drop down my cheeks and I start sobbing.

I hate him and I wish he was still with me. Sophia has asked about her dad, but I had no answer for her. She learned the word Dadda from of her friends and she loved it. It broke my heart for the fact that she doesn't have a dad.

I wipe away the tears that are left on my cheeks and go check on dinner. Sophia should be up soon, so I better finish. "Momma!" Sophia screams. I go to her room and she's attempting to climb out of her crib. "Let me help you Sophia." I say.

I lift her away from the side of her crib and place her on my hip. "Dinnr?" she asks.

"Yes." I answer and head to the kitchen. I place her in her highchair and hand her the plate. I also fill a new sippy cup with some water.

After a few minutes of us eating, she says, "Yum Momma!" she giggles. "Thanks Soph." I say to her. She gives me one of her cute smiles and goes back to eating. My phone buzzes and I pick it up to see who it is. It's Derek. "Hey Jenna!" he exclaims.

"Hey." I mumble.

"What's wrong?" he questions.

"Val came today." I murmur.

"Oh." Derek says.

"So why are you calling?" I ask.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me and the other pros tonight?" he asks.

"Well I would, but the thing keeping me from coming would like to say hi." I reply taking the phone away from my ear and holding it to Sophia's mouth. "Hi Uncle Derek!" Sophia yells into the phone.

"I talked to Allison and you could bring over to their house." Derek suggests.

"I guess." I answer.

"Great!" Derek yells hanging up.

"Sophia you're gonna go over to Aunt Allison's for tonight." I say.

"Weslie!" Sophia smiles. Allison usually brought Weslie to the studio and I would bring Sophia. Weslie and Sophia are best friends, more like sisters. "Yeah Weslie." I respond.

I take her out of her highchair and place her on the ground. Sophia wobbles to her room and she climbs up her crib. I grab her duffel bag out of her closet. For her pajamas, I get her a white top and purple polka dot shorts. For her outfit tomorrow I get her an empire dress that is sunrise coral and a pair of sunrise coral knee socks.

Sophia grabs her blanket and teddy and hands them to me. We're packed and I'm ready to take her over. We head out the door and Sophia babbles about playing with Weslie for the entire ride.

We reach Allison's house and I carry Sophia out of the car. I knock on the door and tWitch answers the door. "Hey Jenna." He says.

"Hi, I'm here to drop off Sophia." I say.

"Sophia!" Weslie yells coming to the door.

"Weslie!" Sophia squeals and reaches her arms out to Weslie. I set Sophia on the ground and she runs to Weslie. The two girls leave the doorway. "Thanks for watching her." I say to tWitch.

"No problem, you watch Weslie for us." He says. I hand him Sophia's duffel bag. "Bye." I say.

"Bye." He says waving as he closes the door. I head back to my apartment and my phone starts ringing, this time it's Mark. "Hey." I say answering the phone. "Hey Derek called you right?" he asks.

"Yeah." I respond.

"Well come to the Boa, that's where we're all meeting." Mark says and I hear loud music in the background. "Let me guess you're already there." I state.

"Yep, me and the guys decided to get an early start on the night." Mark explains.

"What time should I be there?" I ask.

"10." He answers.

"Bye." I say.

"Bye." He states before I hang up. I go into my closet and decide what I should wear. I go with a short black dress and black heels. I get changed and go into the bathroom.

I apply eyeshadow, eyeliner, foundation, mascara, blush, and lipstick. I then curl my hair and once I'm done, I leave and go to the Boa.

I was think for next chapter, it would be told from Val's point of view. What do you guys think?

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